Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?

2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?

3. Is Poland a democracy at all?

4. Do you find Doda attractive?

5. What's your fave Doda song?

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Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?
Yes, and she should be sentenced to 2 years of drinking a lot of wine and smoking herbal cigarettes.
2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?
Not by everybody, it would seem.
3. Is Poland a democracy at all?
As much as any other EC country.
4. Do you find Doda attractive?
Yes, even though there are too many complex polymer chains in her.
5. What's your fave Doda song?
I'm yet to hear any.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.05.10 o godzinie 17:11
Łukasz Jędrzejczak

Łukasz Jędrzejczak "Be the change you
want to see in the

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.”
She shouldn't
Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?

2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?
No it's not . It's one example which shows that in Poland free speech doesn't exist
3. Is Poland a democracy at all?
At all not, partly yes
4. Do you find Doda attractive?
5. What's your fave Doda song?
I don't have

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Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?

2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?

3. Is Poland a democracy at all?

4. Do you find Doda attractive?

5. What's your fave Doda song?

1. Of course not ! But she either shouldn't expect any penalties for people who criticize herself or record a dis. If we wanna say everything about anybody and anything let's do it with no limits - I mean without privileged units.

2. Free speech is a myth in 21st cent. Have look at Polish journalism.

3. No.

4. Nice body, but it's not kind of woman which I like the most.

5. Don't know many titles, but on every karaoke party at my friend's home "Dżaga" is always sung :)
Marcin Jasiński

Marcin Jasiński Global Leader | CEO
Advisor | Management
Consultant | mjt...

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?

2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?

3. Is Poland a democracy at all?

4. Do you find Doda attractive?

5. What's your fave Doda song?

Thanks Dave & Steve!

1. No
2. No. See Rafal's reply above.
3. No
4. I would not kick her out of my apartment at first. Barely know how she looks though.
5. Believe me or not but I don't know any title.

Who is this "Doda" anyway, am I something missing?

Thanks & Regards,


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Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew
Thanks, Dave. :)
This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?
I can't worry about her cause just now. She's not willing to sacrafice even an hour of discomfort unless for a few Euros. Not exactly MLK.
2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?
Very much so. Is that true, though? Then good for this guy.
3. Is Poland a democracy at all?
Absolutely it is. People just need an index about what they're willing to give up against what they want to advance.
4. Do you find Doda attractive?
Don't YOU?


5. What's your fave Doda song?
I've never heard Doda utter a word. My silver-tongued brother is here. He says he "wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers."

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Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!

1.should Mr.Palikot be sentenced for everything he says???don't
think so:)

2. let's say it's more safe to be politically least you have your job secured:)

3. well, one can always find some flaws, but, generally speaking,
thanks God,finally it is! btw, go to the U.S., the police rule over there:) for her body,definitely yes.however, "natural beauty" term
doesn't apply in here:)

5. don't know any!Agnieszka S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.05.10 o godzinie 19:07
Łukasz Sosnowski

Łukasz Sosnowski Luke Snow Media &

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?
I've never heard that Doda smoked weed. Has she? She should not be judged for that couse it's a democracy :), why not to drink wine and smoke herbs? It should be fredom for all.
2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?
It's not, but there should be a place where anyone could say what they think. Something like a Speakers' Corner in Londons Hide Park.
3. Is Poland a democracy at all?
It is a democracy, but that started to be in 1989, so it's still new system for polish people. Lets wait few more years and will see is there gonne be a real democracy at all. Like in other EU evaluated countries.
4. Do you find Doda attractive?
She's fit.
5. What's your fave Doda song?
"Więc nie martw się, uśmiechnij się ..." The only song I know.

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Agnieszka S.:
thanks God,finally it is! btw, go to the U.S., the police rule over there:)
Not to me they don't.
Renata Kowalska

Renata Kowalska Dyrektor Metodyczny,
No.1 Cenrum

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

Thanks :)

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?

Although I don't like her, here I must agree with her ;)

2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?

Not really. In fact many people live under conditions set by other people and that's why they don't feel free to say everything they think. Maybe we should have certain places ( Polish Hyde Park) to express our opinions without being punished for every single word we say.

3. Is Poland a democracy at all?
It is we still lack a lot.......

4. Do you find Doda attractive?

She is attractive when she's silent.

5. What's your fave Doda song?

The songs are quite ok:) Two worlds, I'll not give up......Renata Kowalska edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.05.10 o godzinie 22:24
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?

Really? Prosecuted by whom? As for me I don't care whatever she speaks about Jesus Christ, Santa Claus or Muhammad, but it's a free country and every1 can sue every1. I cannot say to anybody "u shouldn't sue him/her" - it's childish :P

2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?
It is unless u say anything bad about a guy who is a so called "moral authority" like eg. Bartoszewski.
3. Is Poland a democracy at all?

Yeah, alas...
4. Do you find Doda attractive?

I think that mass production already started ;)
5. What's your fave Doda song?

hah! Don't know any.

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda! “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?
"Thrombolytic therapy is most effective in the first few minutes and hours after myocardial infarction..."

Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.05.10 o godzinie 01:26
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!

This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?

Yeah, and for the music.
2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?

Free speech is free when you can afford it. Like everywhere else.
3. Is Poland a democracy at all?

Er, ahm, yes, I presume. Lacks democrats though.
4. Do you find Doda attractive?

As attractive as a dead duck. Rubber duck that is!
5. What's your fave Doda song?

The one which goes: "Oops, I'm dead now."
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?
Yes, and she should be found guilty, and I should personally punish her.
2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?
Free speech should have some borders - true.
But Polish prosecutors and/or laws don't know where these borders should be set at yet.
Poland is dealing with many useless stuff... a little more than some other countries I know of.
3. Is Poland a democracy at all?
Yes, but it is not the best one yet.
Besides, there's no perfect democracy on Earth, other than some "OK" ones.
4. Do you find Doda attractive?
When I think of an attractive lady, she's not the first comes to my mind, but she is sexy.
5. What's your fave Doda song?
I don't know enough of her songs to give an answer to this question.
Benjamin Horler

Benjamin Horler Fotograf, ben horler

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

1. Doda is currently being prosecuted for the following remarks made on TV: “it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.” Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?

It depends on whether the herbs were mind blowing oregano or coriander but if she was referring to such hardcore herbs as Basil or Dill then certainly she deserves a thorough spanking.

2. Remember the homeless guy in Warsaw who got into trouble for apparently insulting then president Kaczynski? Is free speech respected in Poland?

Because of his state of being homeless does his criticism of the president seem worse and provides a mitigating factor in this person being spanked too. Had the aforementioned person a fixed abode or even a caravan or trailer then this would not be a criminal or treasonous offence and no spanking would be necessary.

3. Is Poland a democracy at all?
Depending on your interpetation of Democracy.Democracy meaning 'rule of the people'then in this case no. Lions led by donkeys is more apt.

4. Do you find Doda attractive?
Stupid question. Even better though if she took coaching lessons in how to laugh without appearing ridiculous.

5. What's your fave Doda song?
Still unreleased 'I lost my heart in Bialystok' from the album ''I lost my heart again in Bialystok'

oh and if you found this pleasantly amusing check out my website its

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Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

I'll write in Polish:


Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Ewelina Nowakowska:
I'll write in Polish:


Oh lighten up for Christ's sake!

Tell us your fave Doda song!

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Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Ewelina Nowakowska:
I'll write in Polish:


Oh lighten up for Christ's sake!

Tell us your fave Doda song!

I love you, Steve Jones
David R.

David R. Teacher, Buckingham

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Ewelina Nowakowska:
I'll write in Polish:


Please please please please please can I come to your next party.

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 14.05.2010

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Dave Andrew for inspiring this!
Even I'm going to answer these
This week's FFF is dedicated to Doda!
1.Should she be prosecuted for such a statement?

Under which article?
2. Is free speech respected in Poland?

More than in Cuba, less than in UK.
3. Is Poland a democracy at all?

More than Cuba, less than UK.
4. Do you find Doda attractive?

She is actually a beautiful woman, only looks bad.
But have a look at this:


It was a session for one of those expensive glossy magazines some years ago, titled 'To też Doda'.
5. What's your fave Doda song?
You mean a song or a video?


Następna dyskusja:

FFF 05.03.2010

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