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Temat: Family watch T.V. as daughter dies:

Nice story from the U.K..


Mother, a heroin addict, watches soap opera as daughter, 16, dies of heroin overdose.

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Temat: Family watch T.V. as daughter dies:


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Temat: Family watch T.V. as daughter dies:

I think this is a perfect example of how dangerously addictive soap operas could be.
The part that caught my attention was:

“The experienced drug users put her in the recovery position…”

Experienced drug users? I didn’t know there was such a thing. Could they be called veterans of the “war on drugs” as well? I wonder what exactly a recovery position is.

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Temat: Family watch T.V. as daughter dies:

here is one... although pretty creepy it had my chuckling...

Temat: Family watch T.V. as daughter dies:

Have you seen the last film by Ben Affleck "Gone Baby Gone"?

The actress who played the drug-addict mother of the missing baby was nominated for Oscar for the Best Supporting Actress...

Następna dyskusja:

Video of 7/7 London suicide...

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