Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Ok, this is inspired by the Ideal husband thread, but rather than focusing on your current / ex significant other's weird habits, I'd extend it to any friends, colleagues, acquaintances or non-acquaintances you may know and - ultimately - to yourselves. So please, bare your souls!

If you have the courage, feel free to go hard-core, but I'd just settle with some funny, yet harmless ones.

Starting with one of my ex's, who would drink milk out of pint glass and beer / coke / juice (and sometimes wine) out of wine glasses. I think the only thing I haven't seen him drinking out of a wine glass was tea and coffee (although I'm not sure he wouldn't do it in the closet). I was laughing at him until I've adopted this habit and quite often do it myself! ;)

Another one kept ironing his pants (as in BrE pants, specifically boxer shorts). He said he just couldn't bear the thought of wearing crumpled ones, which would make him feel self-conscious.

I used to have a workmate whose favourite dish was a baguette with onion and mustard. He didn't mind the smell. When he got fired, my boss insisted this was just a standard redundancy situation.

My own quirky habits include:

- eating bullion with cream and spring onion (my favourite combination)

- mouthing (and sometimes even singing) song lyrics in public while listening to my mp3 player (I always make sure I don't have much of audience around, although sometimes get so geared up I just can't help myself)

- (a past one) secretly using one of my ex's aftershave - it wasn't unisex, but it smelt so good that I though it should have been!Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.07.08 o godzinie 13:28

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Nice idea for a thread .....
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Cheers!. So, what are you hiding away from the world, Warren?

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Many dark secrets.

However I was about to start posting on some 'old' threads this evening.

Chewing my finger and toe nails for starters.

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Starting with one of my ex's, who would drink milk out of pint glass and beer / coke / juice (and sometimes wine) out of wine glasses.

What's weird about this?
My own quirky habits include:

- eating bullion with cream and spring onion (my favourite combination)
You can't eat bullion. You'll break your teeth :-)

I read newspapers in the bath for hours on end and I like to eat at regular times. That must be quite annoying.

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Do you read sitting on the toilet?

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

warren whitmore:
Do you read sitting on the toilet?

I do! And I like to have a bath at 6.30 in the evening and I get irritable if something gets in the way of that :-)
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Dave Andrew:
Starting with one of my ex's, who would drink milk out of pint glass and beer / coke / juice (and sometimes wine) out of wine glasses.

What's weird about this?

Nothing. In fact, wine glasses should be made the standard type of vessels for any liquid food. Like instant soup, for example. I can easily picture it in his world.
My own quirky habits include:

- eating bullion with cream and spring onion (my favourite combination)
You can't eat bullion. You'll break your teeth :-)

Oh yeah, have just looked it up. Some vocab lessons for me too.

I read newspapers in the bath for hours on end and I like to eat at regular times. That must be quite annoying.

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Dave Andrew:
I do! And I like to have a bath at 6.30 in the evening and I get irritable if something gets in the way of that :-)
like for ex. reading in the loo

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

I, well, read. Breakfast, bed, bath, toilet. Force myself not to do it when guests around but it's hopeless. At breakfast i'll even read the cereal box! And right now, as i write, there's a girl sat across me applying her makeup. That's what i DON'T do :)

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

I often take a swig straight from a bottle, especially if water. A man who doesn't mind it is an angel, as 1.5 l bottles are my favorite. Other nasty habits include compulsive texting, and sleeping across the bed (if I manage to fall asleep).
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Tatiana S.:
I often take a swig straight from a bottle, especially if water. A man who doesn't mind it is an angel, as 1.5 l bottles are my favorite. Other nasty habits include compulsive texting, and sleeping across the bed (if I manage to fall asleep).

Blimey! Remarkably similar to me!! About the sleeping thing, I think one really bizarre thing about me is that I have to be the last person awake. Everyone else has to be asleep before I can go to sleep. I think that's very weird

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

I can't sleep when the light is on in the room :(
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

I can't wear shoes without wearing socks.
Is that ok as a quirky habit?
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Marek Kuraś:
I can't sleep when the light is on in the room :(

I can't either, and since I can't eliminate the light coming from ubiquitous lampposts outside my window, I use a sleeping mask. Now, how's that for a habit?

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

ilter K.:
I can't wear shoes without wearing socks.
Is that ok as a quirky habit?

I have the same - but i think it is not a habit.
Otherwise not wering an underwear would be a habbit :)

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

I almost never eat breakfast and simply have coffee as I like hotel style breakfast, with lots of things to choose from, plates, knives and forks, oj in a nice glass, etc. Doing this just for myself seems odd, so I got used to skipping breakfast, unless I have company other than my son who usually has just cereal and the cat who is content with her dry food.
Coffee is the first thing I need to get in the morning; it's so bad that once, in college, in a hurry, I munched on a spoonful of instant coffee. A deadly sin, since I try to avoid instant coffee anyway!
Also, I recycle as much as I can, which seems weird for a lot of Poles.
Oh, and I brush my teeth a million times a day.
I might have lots of other habits, but I'd need someone to let me know of them.
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Tatiana S.:
I almost never eat breakfast and simply have coffee as I like hotel style breakfast, with lots of things to choose from, plates, knives and forks, oj in a nice glass, etc. Doing this just for myself seems odd, so I got used to skipping breakfast, unless I have company other than my son who usually has just cereal and the cat who is content with her dry food.
Coffee is the first thing I need to get in the morning; it's so bad that once, in college, in a hurry, I munched on a spoonful of instant coffee. A deadly sin, since I try to avoid instant coffee anyway!
Also, I recycle as much as I can, which seems weird for a lot of Poles.
Oh, and I brush my teeth a million times a day.
I might have lots of other habits, but I'd need someone to let me know of them.

I never have instant coffee at home. But, since I have no concept of time, I usually find myself making my breakfast / coffee only to find I have no time to eat / drink it, as I have to rush to work. And then I come back and eat the cold / stale stuff left on the table...

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Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

I often eat cereal for supper. Weird or not? Hmmm.. Actually, not that weird when I tell you I can eat cereal for each meal. And I drink milk from a pint glass, too.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Everybody's got their own... quirky habits

Patrycja P.:
I often eat cereal for supper. Weird or not? Hmmm.. Actually, not that weird when I tell you I can eat cereal for each meal. And I drink milk from a pint glass, too.

You're really weird.....;)Steve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.07.08 o godzinie 19:31

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