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Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

A sensitive case:


warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.09 o godzinie 21:43
Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

"It's a medical issue. It's not an issue of cheating. We're more concerned for the person not to make this something which is humiliating for her and something which is going to affect her in a negative way. This is why you will appreciate we have to be discreet. She is a human being who was born as a woman and who has grown up all her life as a woman but who is now in a position where this is being questioned."
Oh yeah, they are totally discreet talking about her in media all over the world, and I'm sure she doesn't feel humiliated, and I'm sure it's not affecting her in a negative way. OMG. Leave her alone! Who cares, it's her business!Aneta Frank edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.09 o godzinie 22:12

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Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

Wow. I know a young woman who qualified in this event on the US team there. She tries to break the two minute mark. Now this young lady was one minute and 56.7 something. That's gettin' right along.

The gender verification process involves chromosomal screening.

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Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

A scientific discussion of the issue.

Sex is not simply a matter of genitalia:


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Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

It does seem to carry too far by involving an interdisciplinary team.

Her time isn't that spectacular. The world record is in the 1:53:00 range as far as I know.

(the East German women's swim and volleyball teams of the 60's and 70's? Now those were some handsome men).Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.08.09 o godzinie 02:08

Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

And this was a famous Polish case.


Forgot that it should be in English. Apologies.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ewa_K%C5%82obukowskaMichal B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.08.09 o godzinie 08:41
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

Every time I see Amelie Mauresmo I can't help thinking that she should have been born a man.
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

Well, women always wanted to be equal to men, now there is a small chance ;)

EDIT: For God's sake, she is 18! I was not that well built in that age.Łukasz G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.08.09 o godzinie 10:30

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Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

Michal B.:
And this was a famous Polish case.


Forgot that it should be in English. Apologies.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ewa_K%C5%82obukowskaMichal B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.08.09 o godzinie 08:41

Broken life of Ewa Kłobukowska because of political and completely antihuman reasons has never been redeemed, Isuppose, even by her famous collegue from the team, Irena Kirszenstein-Szewińska, I suppose (but if I am wrong, please give me an example). I haven't seen such a reaction on Jarmila Kratochvilowa or Marita Koch.

LA for woman, particularly in runs and power (hammer, sphere, disc)disciplines will always be a matter of rude public discussion. Masculine or feminine types varies in much wider scale than 0-1. Intensive training and biovital (or biodenial) preparates taken overcome some "natural" attributes. Look what has been done to some weight athletes (men);-)

But coming back to women LA - intensive training in teenaging sometimes helps to overcome masculinism sometimes opens door for it. Sometimes sports are the only way to social survive for such persons. And for this reason, look on this case as a chance for those "masculine" girls, and probably better change IAAF standards of qualification or attitude. Because todays' sport organisation laboratories are not that innocent, and they are responsible for kind of soft eugenics, which example is on the topic.

PS. I do have private reason for emotions on this.

Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

No doubt at all that much more than a lot of harm was done to Ewa Kłobukowska.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

In Germany a women sued the public health care system because she wanted them to pay for a breast enlargement. She argued that she auffers from too small breasts (almost none), her husband divorced her and she suffers from mobbing at work. A psychological recommendation was not enough though. Eventually she lost the case.

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Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

Here are some more articles on gender and sport:

History of gender contoversies:


History of gender testing in sport:

http://web.archive.org/web/20041125093406/www.outsport...warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.08.09 o godzinie 13:25

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Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

Semenya almost boycotted medals ceremony:


It's a sad story.

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Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

Neighbours from Semenya's village give their views:


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Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

The complexities of sexual identity.

Unfortunately, it is not always either simple or obvious to determine sex.

Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...

A very nice woman that I know was/is a lesbian. She proposed to her gf last summer. But then she started going through the gender change process (I don't know the details) but she/he is a man now. So I was just wondering.. can they get married now? or is she still considered a woman?
I guess it's a long process to get everything legalized...Aneta Frank edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.08.09 o godzinie 15:06
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Doubts concerning gender of World Championship gold...


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