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Temat: Do you think the president should be able to...

Eloquently express himself in public? As the head of the state and the face of a nation, isn’t it obligatory for him to present himself in a certain manner that would command respect? How about the rest of the politicians? Poland had Lech Walesa who was not very well spoken yet given the circumstances it could have been much worst. How about someone with a degree from Yale?
How do you feel about faces that supposedly represent your best interest, your elected officials?

http://youtube.com/watch?v=kdimK1onR4oRafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.04.08 o godzinie 14:49

Temat: Do you think the president should be able to...

Rafal Wolk:
Eloquently express himself in public? As the head of the state and the face of a nation, isn’t it obligatory for him to present himself in a certain manner that would command respect? How about the rest of the politicians? Poland had Lech Walesa who was not very well spoken yet given the circumstances it could have been much worst. How about someone with a degree from Yale?
How do you feel about faces that supposedly represent your best interest, your elected officials?

http://youtube.com/watch?v=kdimK1onR4oRafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.04.08 o godzinie 14:49

I love the way he dances, especially when in SA. He dances to their tune so well.:))

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Temat: Do you think the president should be able to...

...when he was leaving the White House, waving to reporters, forgot where he was and spit...Texas style. Yeah.

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Temat: Do you think the president should be able to...

Alicja Efejska:
Rafal Wolk:
Eloquently express himself in public? As the head of the state and the face of a nation, isn’t it obligatory for him to present himself in a certain manner that would command respect? How about the rest of the politicians? Poland had Lech Walesa who was not very well spoken yet given the circumstances it could have been much worst. How about someone with a degree from Yale?
How do you feel about faces that supposedly represent your best interest, your elected officials?

http://youtube.com/watch?v=kdimK1onR4oRafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.04.08 o godzinie 14:49

I love the way he dances, especially when in SA. He dances to their tune so well.:))

You mean this one:


yea.. priceless...

Temat: Do you think the president should be able to...

ha,ha,ha it's great! But this is not in Saudi Arabia. He is a better dancer there, I believe. :)))
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Do you think the president should be able to...

Since the World has changed, yes, a president CAN eloquently express himself in public. But not should.
I think a leader should have different qualities than being funny, or "real" (I don't know what really it means - probably it should mean "presenting the real him/herself").
In case of J.W.Bush, I think he is the worst thing happened to US, the World, and its people. I don't care if looks like a funny chimpanzee or not.ilter Kalkanci edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.04.08 o godzinie 08:32

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