Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: "Do They Mean Us?" - Rough Guide's' take on the English

Derek Jameson must be spinning in his grave... unless he isn't dead yet.


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Temat: "Do They Mean Us?" - Rough Guide's' take on the English

...the English are also hailed as a nation of animal-loving, tea-drinking charity donors who love nothing better than forming an orderly queue.
Ehh... an orderly queue. Haven't seen one since I moved to Pastaland.

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Temat: "Do They Mean Us?" - Rough Guide's' take on the English

where do they get these people?

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Temat: "Do They Mean Us?" - Rough Guide's' take on the English

Excellent contribution, Tim.


Następna dyskusja:

the challenge of English

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