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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

I found this piece while searching for videos of Warsaw to show my wife. What do you guys think?

Brudna Warszawa widziana oczami obcokrajowcow

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

Rafal Wolk:
I found this piece while searching for videos of Warsaw to show my wife. What do you guys think?

Brudna Warszawa widziana oczami obcokrajowcow

I think it's been edited to make the comments of foreigners sound worse.

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

warren whitmore:
I think it's been edited to make the comments of foreigners sound

That, or to make them sound like assholes... don't know if you noticed, but the comment section is disabled.

How do people from other countries see Polish cities? Better yet, how do Polish cities compare to the rest of Europe?

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

Alicja Efejska:
Oh it's nothing when compared with the dirt of New York:


None of these pictures actualy show how dirty NYC realy is... ;)
but that's not the reason for my post, I was just wondering...


Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

It looks like it's been done to provoke people into righteous anger. Warsaw seems really clean compared to most UK cities.

Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

Rafal Wolk:
warren whitmore:
I think it's been edited to make the comments of foreigners sound

That, or to make them sound like assholes... don't know if you noticed, but the comment section is disabled.

How do people from other countries see Polish cities? Better yet, how do Polish cities compare to the rest of Europe?

The world as the whole thing is full of dirt/ all kinds of dirt.
Rafal, don't take it personally, it was a joke. NY was discussed in this way on another forum here.

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

Jon M.:
It looks like it's been done to provoke people
into righteous anger. Warsaw seems really clean compared to most > UK cities.

How about entertaining values? I am not strictly talking about Warsaw either.

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

Alicja Efejska:
Rafal Wolk:
warren whitmore:
I think it's been edited to make the comments of foreigners sound

That, or to make them sound like assholes... don't know if you noticed, but the comment section is disabled.

How do people from other countries see Polish cities? Better yet, how do Polish cities compare to the rest of Europe?

The world as the whole thing is full of dirt/ all kinds of dirt.
Rafal, don't take it personally, it was a joke. NY > was discussed in this way on another forum here.

I think, I was probably the one discussing it in that manner. I would never take that personally.
NYC is filthy and it smells like piss... no argument there ;) it doesn't mean that it's a bad city... I still enjoy it.
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

It's actually quite entertaining too. Shame they've disabled the comments section.

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

But other bits were bollocks too.
For a foreigner to compare Warsaw to NY and to say that Warsaw is a
fast, brutal place.... Come on! It is practically provincial!

Also, I have colleagues that work with leases of retail space and in setting up hotels. I've never heard of any mafia problems.
I'm not saying that it doesn't exist at all, but I don't think that
somebody controls Nowy Swiat.

For me Warsaw is a city which isn't very attractive. It is home. I work there and I have some friends here. Full stop.
It could be one of many towns in the UK, France or Germany. It isn't so grotesque.

I wonder if this film is recent.... there aren't sooooo many ex-pats in Warsaw. I wonder if anybody recognises these guys.Steven H. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.02.08 o godzinie 22:30

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

Rafal Wolk:
I found this piece while searching for videos of Warsaw to show my wife. What do you guys think?

Come on, Warsaw is grand! :) It is not nice-looking, picturesque, Prague-esque, hip, posh like other biggish cities on the continent. But there is something to it. I can't really define it although I have been trying for 20+ years now. Still, I like to come to stay there for a few days - nothing beats that homey reek of the Central Station or ugliness of the fields around the Palace. After I retire and become bored of Canada wilderness sure I will return to my beloved Ochota.Marcin B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.02.08 o godzinie 23:17
Agata P.

Agata P. angielski: lekcje,

Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

I haven't seen Warsaw in years, but the people in the film seem stoned to me:)

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

I love Warsaw. There for a month, here for three, there for a month here for three, and so on. Of course, I had my moments, but taking everything into account, my own problem.

I miss it every day.

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

I love Warsaw too. It's always people who make me love a place.
I agree that it is provincial and looks a little boring to somebody who comes here from Paris, London or any other famous place, but don't forget what happened to it during WWII and later.
If you happen to visit Warsaw another time, visit the Historical Museum Of Warsaw in the Old Town to see the films they have showing Warsaw right after the war. You leave the Museum and cannot believe your own eyes - you just say "WOW! It's still here -unbelievable!" And then you look at all this ugly architecture differently. Besides, it's not all ugliness.Wendy Tweed edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.02.08 o godzinie 00:11

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

I lived in Warsaw half of my life. I loved it then and I love it still. I was just very curious of what YOUR reaction was to this clip.

*yes... they look high as a kite! The lady with the baby, she looks like she's had more than just a days worth of work behind her. As a matter of fact she looks worst than my avatar.Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.02.08 o godzinie 02:22

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

I do find this "Ohydna Warszawa" very offensive. I have seen quite a few European cities and towns and I liked some of them more than others, but it has never even crossed my mind to call them "hideous". They were simply different and that's what makes this world so interesting.
In actual fact the clip does not even show the city. The young men came to have fun and they seem to have found what they wanted (gay clubs)so they shouldn't complain. The women most probably have no bloody idea what the city is like (office/car/house in the suburbs or an apartment).
Let us give Warsaw a chance - it's only 63 years old (including 45 years of communism and poverty).

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

Nothing beats that homey reek of the Central Station or ugliness of the fields around the Palace. After I retire and become bored of Canada wilderness sure I will return to my beloved Ochota.

Yes, those passages underneath the central station (in which I now never get lost!) have an exotic feel - it is very warm, a mixes of smells invading your nostrils - coffee (if you are lucky), kebabs, tramps. It is probably an insult to Poles*, but I'll miss it when it gets spruced up. It will just be like being in any German or Dutch city (though one of the stations in Brussels absolutely stinks of piss).

Regarding the 'fields'. When I have seen images from Kingsajz and Czlowiek z marmaru (i.e. when the student is driving around Warsaw) I'm amazed how open and undeveloped it is. Retain those images in your memory as they are disappearing and will have gone completely in another 5 years.

*I say insulting as it isn't fair not to wish modern, clean infrastructure on people.

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

Wendy Tweed:
I love Warsaw too. It's always people who make me love a place.
I agree that it is provincial and looks a little boring to somebody who comes here from Paris, London or any other famous place, but don't forget what happened to it during WWII and later.

Precisely - and I think this one of many reasons I really like Warsaw - it has balls of steel to go through everything that kept happening during past 70 years. Really funny thing is I have the same feeling about Belfast and that's why I like it in here :)Marcin B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.02.08 o godzinie 13:07

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Temat: Dirty Warsaw as seen through foreigner's eyes

Steven H.:

it gets spruced up. It will just be like being in any German or Dutch city (though one of the stations in Brussels absolutely stinks of piss).

Probably you were at Brussels Midi - it looked worse than Warszawa Wschodnia last time I saw it... Fairly nice architecture but total mess and reek at the same time.

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