Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Aleksandra P.:
I don't have a ring. Not a single one.
WOW, you must be able to save a LOT of money :)
I spend so much on jewelery...

The link between earrings and submission is purely symbolic, Ola.
In the ancient times a slave had her/his ear pierced as a sign of belonging to their master. This may require a more thorough answer, but I don't feel competent to go deeper, just a vague memory of MGret. digressions in her book.

And I also tend to take off my (ear)rings as soon as I get home.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

I haven't had a cell phone in over 9 years, I don't have any credit cards either... it's been.. hmm... probably about 5 years since the last time I've held a credit card.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Aleksandra P.:
I don't have a ring. Not a single one.
And I thought I was the only one weird here. I still keep an engagement ring, but lost my wedding bands - symptomatic :D
I hate wearing rings!

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Guys, your confessions on the credit card floor motivate me to get rid of mine. After I pay them.
I'll always remember Rachel in 'Friends' cutting hers.
I should do the same.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Tatiana S.:
I drink tap water. I tend not to take my shoes off when visiting someone and ask the same of my visitors.

I used to take them off, but then it just got old hahaha...
I have a highly dysfunctional family,

I wouldn't say that my family is disfunctional, but we are very far from your average family.
and never go to church. What's worse, I don't believe in God.

Yep... that could be a thorn in many people's eyes hahaha...
What's even worse, I can be seen hanging out laundry to dry on a Sunday (I live across from the > local church)

We use the public laundromat and we can be seen on Sundays carrying large loads of filth.

I wear slacks and sneakers to go to >
the "mall"/supermarket.

I don't go to malls, I fucking hate them, I only shop for clothing when my current either walks off my back or dissolves during the wash. I hate shopping with a passion, the crowds of cattle like shoppers drive me absolutely insane, the need to spend money on useless shit brings my temperature up to a boil, stores with their glittery decorations, Barbie doll and Ken look-alikes in the display windows make me sick and people who try to look like those mannequins make me ever sicker. Giant billboards annoy me, eating in public places such as restaurants, bistros or diners annoy the shit out of me... nothing like some stranger looking at you chewing and digesting your food from across the room. I hate crowds yet I organize parties, I am a strong believer in free expression and speech but at the same time - fuck all hate groups!
I don't own a single vodka glass.

We are so hanging out when I get back hahaha...

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:
I'll always remember Rachel in 'Friends' cutting

That’s another one - I hate "Friends" it's the show about an impossible situation involving stereotypical group of people who have taken over NYC in the past 10 years and are spreading like rabies.

One time I was cut off in the middle of my gig by the NYPD due to a noise violation by the bar, it was a long night, I didn’t start till 4am, so I was nicely tipsy and one of the bouncers that tried to push me out of the place (which in itself is fucked up – how are you going to hire someone to play loud music at a place with no permits for loud music, then when cops show up, the DJ takes the blame and gets treated like trash… anyway) so he looked like Chandler from “Friends”… I told him to go get some speed and play in traffic with Joey… to the sheer amusement of the bar attendees… ah… good times.
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:
She cannot even wear a wedding ring, if I remember
correctly (not sure though). Hardly any make up. Check her pics ;)

what does it mean: she cannot wear a wedding ring?
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

God, Ralf, don't frighten everyone, sheez.

No cell phone
Don't watch TV(although House is pretty entertaining)
I don't mind scolding my child in public (frowned upon in the US in certain parts)
I take care of my own children instead of working
I don't cook often(I'm working on that one)
I despise celebrity gossip
I rather dislike spending longer than one hour per day on the computer
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:
Aleksandra P.:
I don't have a ring. Not a single one.
WOW, you must be able to save a LOT of money :)
Yes I am. Once saved, I spend it on shoes/books/perfume.
The link between earrings and submission is purely symbolic, Ola.
In the ancient times a slave had her/his ear pierced as a sign of belonging to their master.
I didn't know that. Thanks, Lidia.
And I also tend to take off my (ear)rings as soon as I get home.
Don't do it. If you like wearing them, you shouldn't take them off.Aleksandra P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.11.08 o godzinie 15:30

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Kari Wolk:
God, Ralf, don't frighten everyone, sheez.

boo! G'morning hon!

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:
In the ancient times a slave had her/his ear pierced as a sign of belonging to their master.
You mean like cattle?

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Jarek A.:
Lidia K.:
In the ancient times a slave had her/his ear pierced as a sign of belonging to their master.
You mean like cattle?

Yea sort of, they just didn't milk you hehe.. but jewelry is also something that scores of other cultures used to enhance and not to use as means of marking your property. I'm willing to bet that jewelry as well as tattoos and body modification techniques by far outweigh the number of cultures that used it for slave markings.

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
Lidia K.:
She cannot even wear a wedding ring, if I remember correctly (not sure though). Hardly any make up. Check her pics ;)
what does it mean: she cannot wear a wedding ring?

it means that she doesn't tolerate any metal rings on her fingers (not that she isn't allowed to)

many women don't wear any jewelery, except their wedding ring

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

for example they did it in Israel

Deuteronomy 15

12 If a fellow Hebrew, a man or a woman, sells himself to you and serves you six years, in the seventh year you must let him go free. [...]

16 But if your servant says to you, "I do not want to leave you," because he loves you and your family and is well off with you, 17 then take an awl and push it through his ear lobe into the door, and he will become your servant for life . Do the same for your maidservant.Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.11.08 o godzinie 16:00

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Rafal W.:
I'm willing to bet that jewelry as well as tattoos and body modification techniques by far outweigh the number of cultures that used it for slave markings.
Yes, I also prefer the enhancement interpretation version rather than control and submission in the use of jewelery!:)

But anthropologically... One would need to have a closer look.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:

But anthropologically... One would need to have a > closer look.

Well, from a historical stand point, jewelry was found in pretty much all of our ancestral graves along with other objects, just like tattoos and modifications of different kinds. There are certain tribes in Africa which modify skull shapes to identify with their tribes. Stretched earlobes, scarification, branding, so called "lizard skin", piercing, tattooing and mutilations of all sorts are considered the rights of passage for many tribes on pretty much all continents. Some symbolize crossing over into the adult hood, some are simply there to use as identification of hierarchy, reasons are plenty, I find it pretty interesting and in some cases amazing.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

I don` celebrate my nameday. I never go to church. I never play any lotteries. I don`t celebrate Sunday dinners. And I don`t like Christmas/Easter "sittings".

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Ah, nameday! I don't even know if there is one with my name i it!

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Magdalena Natalia W.:
3. I hate meat and I hate beer ...
GeeeZzzz, I never thought it would be possible
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Marek S.:
Magdalena Natalia W.:
3. I hate meat and I hate beer ...
GeeeZzzz, I never thought it would be possible

so since never is possible where is the impossible?

Następna dyskusja:

Cultural tolerance

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