Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

I forgot the biggest one: I hate beer.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

1. I dont remember when was the last time I saw a movie.
2. I don't get my own ground mail. I hire someone.
3. I cannot distinguish between warm grey and green
4. I will not kill an insect or anything that is not trying to kill me.
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

1. I do not hold a driving licence and do not care to get one (I have my own driver ;-P)
2. I will not fall asleep if a mosquito flies and buzzes around me so I have to kill it! (sorry, Joj :-*)
3. I hate meat and I hate beer (god, I'm so happy I don't live
UK, f.e. ;-))Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.11.08 o godzinie 15:19
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

1. I don't smoke cigarettes.
2. I don't like polish music. MOST of it is a crap.
3. I don't need a telly
4. just like JON- I've never had a credit card. don't need it.
5. I don't curse, unless I'm extremely angry about sth.

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Aleksandra P.:
2.I don't wear earrings. I have never ever worn them.
Do you know M.Gretkowska's opinion on wearing earrings and jewelery in general, Ola?
3.I don't need a coke or a juice or anything else to drink vodka with.
whoa! you're a pure vodka drinker then?
which brand do you prefer most?

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

I drink tap water. I tend not to take my shoes off when visiting someone and ask the same of my visitors. I have a highly dysfunctional family, and never go to church. What's worse, I don't believe in God. What's even worse, I can be seen hanging out laundry to dry on a Sunday (I live across from the local church) because it's usually the only day when my son is out, and I have time for domestic chores.
I hate flaki, tatar, and cold hard-boiled eggs.
I wear slacks and sneakers to go to the "mall"/supermarket.
I don't own a single vodka glass.
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:
Aleksandra P.:
2.I don't wear earrings. I have never ever worn them.
Do you know M.Gretkowska's opinion on wearing earrings and jewelery in general, Ola?
No, what is it?
3.I don't need a coke or a juice or anything else to drink vodka with.
whoa! you're a pure vodka drinker then?
You can say so. I drink alcohol very rarely and vodka more (less?)than very rarely. And I need smth to eat when drinking it.
which brand do you prefer most?
Don't have favourite one. The truth is that the more expensive it is, the better it tastes.
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Tatiana S.:
I drink tap water. I tend not to take my shoes off when visiting someone and ask the same of my visitors.

Oh yes. I suffer from that one, too [i.e. the one about shoes].

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Aleksandra P.:
Tatiana S.:
I drink tap water. I tend not to take my shoes off when visiting someone and ask the same of my visitors.

Oh yes. I suffer from that one, too [i.e. the one about shoes].
Of course, I mean people who come for an occasional, short visit. There's nothing weirder than a woman in a nice pants suit and... socks, not to mention a man. It always strikes me as funny during family reunions - all dressed up, and wearing "kapcie". Ha ha.
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

wearing "kapcie". Ha ha.

or laczki as we call them in Poznan.
I do agree. It looks pathetic.
But the carpet remains immaculate.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

"Slippers" somehow doesn't seem to convey the meaning...
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Believe or not, years ago I have seen some pictures taken during one osiemnastka. All the guests, including nice looking guys wearing suits(!) were shoeless.
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

How could I forget!

I hate warm and cosy interiors.Rafał Janta edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.11.08 o godzinie 12:53

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

So you guys don't have a collection of slippers for guests especially in different sizes and colours?

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Aleksandra P.:
2.I don't wear earrings. I have never ever worn them.
Do you know M.Gretkowska's opinion on wearing earrings and jewelery in general, Ola?
No, what is it?
Basically that it's some symbol of inferiority and primitive remains of cultural submission of a woman to a man. It's my wording, I'd need to check that again in one of her books, but an interesting point of looking at things.
You'll never see her wearing jewelery, at least not for private occasions. She cannot even wear a wedding ring, if I remember correctly (not sure though). Hardly any make up. Check her pics ;)

konto usunięte

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:
some symbol of inferiority and primitive
remains of cultural submission of a woman to a man. It's my wording, I'd need to check that again in one of her books, but an interesting point of looking at things.
You'll never see her wearing jewelery, at least not for private occasions. She cannot even wear a wedding ring, if I remember correctly (not sure though). Hardly any make up. Check her pics ;)

I agree with her. She sounds interesting. So I googled her and in all the pictures she's plastered with make-up :-)

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

these are glamour pics
even our Twin President gets it when photographed

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:
these are glamour pics
even our Twin President gets it when photographed

Yes but if she was for real she wouldnt get glammed up just for publicity shots.

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

She's for real :-)

And so many people hate and judge her (not having read any of her books!)
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:
Aleksandra P.:
2.I don't wear earrings. I have never ever worn them.
Do you know M.Gretkowska's opinion on wearing earrings and jewelery in general, Ola?
No, what is it?
Basically that it's some symbol of inferiority and primitive remains of cultural submission of a woman to a man.
Interesting, but I can see no link. Can you explain what she means, please?
You'll never see her wearing jewelery, at least not for private occasions. She cannot even wear a wedding ring.

I don't have a ring. Not a single one.

Następna dyskusja:

Cultural tolerance

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