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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

There are things that we do or don’t do in our places of existence that go very much against the popular customs.

I got three that always get awes from people:

1. I’ve never seen an entire 007 movie.
2. I hate peanut butter.
3. I don’t like drinking water and only do so while camping or hiking.

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Rafal W.:
There are things that we do or don’t do in our places of existence that go very much against the popular customs.

I got three that always get awes from people:
HAHAHA, great topic, Rafał!
I could write 33 not just 3 things
1. I’ve never seen an entire 007 movie.
Same here:)
Plus no TV at home, I haven't seen a whole lot of other films, either.
2. I don't have a driving licence.
3. I can go to the movies alone.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

You're both pathetic.
I go out to have a smoke. 3rd today.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Lidia K.:

I could write 33 not just 3 things

Ditto.. haha, I figured I'll let others spill the beans before I unload hahaha....

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

ilter K.:
I go out to have a smoke. 3rd today.

I go out too... it's my failed attempt at quitting ... oh.. and the kids.. yea.. I do it for the kids.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

How many less you smoke now?
I keep it 2-3 a day.
I've never been a heavy smoker though.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

1- I can't make bubble gum balloons
2- I can't remove the hulls of roasted sunflower seeds without the help of my hands

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

1. I'm Polish and I don't drink vodka.
2. I'm Polish and I don't whine and whinge all the time.
3. (still thinking of #3)

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

ilter K.:
How many less you smoke now?
I keep it 2-3 a day.
I've never been a heavy smoker though.

I was a heavy smoker before, especially at my previous job, where I had to drive to different locations all day long. I was a pack a day guy. Now I am down to maybe 5 a week... also, if I play a gig, I smoke like a chimney.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Jarek A.:
1. I'm Polish and I don't drink vodka.
2. I'm Polish and I don't whine and whinge all the > time.

Yea, I can use both of these too... I can't stand vodka and people who constantly complain drive me up the wall.
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

1.I don't listen to the radio.
2.I don't wear earrings. I have never ever worn them.
3.I don't need a coke or a juice or anything else to drink vodka with.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

I'm Scottish and I can't stand whisky.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

I can't stand baked beans. Detest the sight and smell. Have only brought myself to try them once in adult life. I nearly heaved.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

My 3 cultural sins:

I hate eating golabki.
I dislike wearing jeans or any sort of denim
I think people who ski (unless it freestyle skiing) are pussies.Snowboarding only.
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at Vm.pl

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

In Poland:

1. I don't drink vodka (well occasional wciekły pies)
2. I hate herrings
3. I hate carrot juice
(4. never drink beer with some pink/red additions)

In Macedonia:
1. I think I am the only female without pierced ears
2. I hate rakija even more than vodka
3. I happen to think that shopska salad goes great with beer.

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Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Is it just me, or we've had a similar thread before?
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

Something along those lines..

Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

1. I've never driven a car
2. Never had a credit card
3. Haven't turned my TV on since June
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

I hate herrings with all my heart. If it was up to me, I'd replace all the herrings in supermarkets with king prawns.

I'm not a vodka girl. I will drink it at weddings, though, if the wine is shite.

I hate soft boiled eggs, pork (especially golonka) and flaki, I don't particularly like white sausage

I eat bullion with cream! ;)

Plus, I don't drive
And I too go to cinemas aloneSylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.11.08 o godzinie 22:02
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Cultural blasphemy

I hate places that serve beer only.

I don't find unPC jokes funny.

I'm not into salty or sweet foods which are apparently two most popular tastes. Instead I go for sour and bitter.

BONUS: Football bores me.

Następna dyskusja:

Cultural tolerance

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