Temat: Coping with Failure


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Temat: Coping with Failure

move on

Temat: Coping with Failure


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Temat: Coping with Failure

understand where you went wrong.
analyse your mistakes.
learn from them (i.e. don't repeat them).

move on.

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Temat: Coping with Failure

man Jarek you beat me to it..
every failure is a lesson...

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Temat: Coping with Failure

let's not go into the 'beating' topic again

my palms are still sore

Temat: Coping with Failure

I tend to make the same mistakes over and over
it's just me

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Temat: Coping with Failure

Hah, Lidia, welcome to my Lifetime Failure Club!
I do learn from my mistakes though, and thus try not to do the things that would result in failure. And they, invariably, do. With a few exceptions though, and recently I've had less and less fuckups, so maybe the strategy's working.

As for Poland not being able to cope with failure - it's the only thing that unites the effing nation. Sadly.
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Coping with Failure

Nothing succeeds like ... failure!
(and a good kick in the ass)
How would you possibly know the taste of success without ever failing?
So face them! They're good for you/us.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

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Temat: Coping with Failure

Rafał D.:
What was your point, again?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Coping with Failure

He must be offended?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Coping with Failure

More you fail on different levels and things, more you learn how to cope with it.

To my experience, there's no 1 single way or trick to cope with failure.
Just survive.
Each failure makes you tougher. Then failures must get tougher to shake you or put you down.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Coping with Failure

Tatiana S.:
Rafał D.:
What was your point, again?

Wanted to make your comment clear.
Marta N.

Marta N. Marketing / PR /
Media Relations /
Publishing /

Temat: Coping with Failure

Don't ever give up, take your lesson and keep your head up high :)
Everybody makes mistakes, nobody is perfect..
And I do agree with Rafał, you're not able to appreciate your success and be happy without ever feeling down before..
So just stand up and move on :))
We've all gone through that one day, haven't we? ;)

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Temat: Coping with Failure

And how many of you who have written this words of wisdom have gone through a massive failure during the 48 hours prior to writing.

I'm not criticizing your points, they make sense. However, making fine rational points when you aren't in the mire is easy. Keeping the philosphy when you are right in 5hit is not so easy.

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Temat: Coping with Failure

Here's a good question.

Sometimes you hear the advice, 'when in a hole stop digging'.

Alternatively, you people say, 'Never give up'.

In the words of Winston Churchill, spoken at his old school, try, try and try again'.

Which counsel is better?

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Temat: Coping with Failure

Try again. Otherwise we would all sink into the deepest pits of despair.

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Temat: Coping with Failure

Come off it, Tatiana.

So if you desperately want someone, you carry on until arrested for stalking?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Coping with Failure

Steven H.:
And how many of you who have written this words of wisdom have gone through a massive failure during the 48 hours prior to writing.
Why 48 hours? Talking about Poland-Austria match?
And why "massive" failure?
I'm not criticizing your points, they make sense. However, making fine rational points when you aren't in the mire is easy. Keeping the philosphy when you are right in 5hit is not so easy.
You're right. But people remember their previous experiences and failures maybe?
And maybe they think they have failed miserably in a certain time in their life?
We can't expect everyone to have similar experiences to Young Werther, can we?ilter Kalkanci edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.06.08 o godzinie 21:11

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