Temat: comfort zone

I've recently heard this expression again.
More or less that in order to develop and grow you need to leave your comfort zone.
Do you agree? What's your comfort zone and have you got any experience with conscious decisions to leave it and move on?

Is it wrong to stay in it and refuse to take risks?

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Temat: comfort zone

If you refuse to take risks, you end up stagnant. Progress is natural, there is no progress without risk. Everything we know and understand about ourselves and our environment, be it mental or otherwise, comes from someone taking a chance at one point or another.

If we don't take chances, we end up on our death beds wishing for another chance at life, just so we can try taking that dark path which may have been the road to something different... possibly better but even if not better, simply different... and that in itself is better than stagnation and a stale mate that we sometimes find ourselves in while having to make such choices.

Comfort zone is only comfortable if we are happy... and since you are questioning the reliability of that zone, you are automatically questioning the degree of that comfort. Think of it as resting on your bed... as soon as you don't feel comfortable, you switch your position, life is very much the same.
Marcin Jasiński

Marcin Jasiński Global Leader | CEO
Advisor | Management
Consultant | mjt...

Temat: comfort zone

One cannot stay in the comfort zone. Even if one is happy at that time.

Life is about change. One must embrace it instead of hiding from it.

And that's good for out generation. Perhaps not for everyone, and especially not for Poles (no offense), but still.

In sum, if one wants to grow - he/she must leave the comfort zone. ASAP and on as many occassions as possible.

Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: comfort zone

When I went to the US I thought that i would keep living as I used to and that the only thing that was different was the setting. I was so naive :) It was impossible! I had to leave my comfort zone and completely readjust. Otherwise I would have ended up depressed and lonely.
I agree with Rafał "Comfort zone is only comfortable if we are happy." And I believe that we can stay in our comfort zones, there is nothing wrong about it unless it is what makes us truly happy. For example, I am scared of heights and I don't think that trying bungee jumping would make me grow or become a happier person :) There are some limits to leaving our comfort zones..

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Temat: comfort zone

Aneta Wołowik:

How did you find WA by the way? It's a beautiful state ain't it? How is the mentality and the over all feeling of it?
Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: comfort zone

My sister lives there and so does my uncle and his family. I love this state and if I ever moved to the US I think I would go there again. I love Seattle and Portland - they have this European feel and there is a lot going on. Seattle has beautiful suburbs.. it rains a lot but I guess it's not a big problem for Polish people :) Spokane, where I lived is very nice as well. In general, WA is beautiful, gorgeous mountains, lakes, rivers, forests are just stunning.
People are very open and friendly, educated.. I'm sure there is always going to be somebody we will not stand or accept but that's reality.Aneta Wołowik edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.07.09 o godzinie 14:30
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: comfort zone

Everyone has his or her comfort zone, and it gets bigger with age.
This is so far my only observation.
Some people have smaller comfort zones too.
I'm trying to leave mine as soon as possible, there's still a lot of work to do. "Room for development". :)
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: comfort zone

I think there's nothing wrong with your comfort zone as long as you only go back there to rest and enjoy what you've achieved. As Rafal pointed out, it becomes uncomfortable when you dwell in it for too long. It should serve as a safe homebase where you can stay for a while to observe others and gain strength for making the next move.

It wouldn't be very wise to jump out at every possible chance if you're simply not ready for the challenge. But at the same if you never taking any action you can became a prisoner of your own inertia. The longer you stay there, the more you're scared of the world outside and the more difficult it is to get out of the ever growing walls. And frankly, you start feeling kind of 'dead' inside. Therefore I think getting out of your comfort zone can be a good anti-depressant, provided you know how high you can jump (I guess that didn't sound particularly adventurous, ha ha ;)).

Oh, and one more thing: sometimes a 'comfort zone' is a simple euphemism for laziness ;)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: comfort zone

The only way you learn something is by exiting the comfort zone.

Depends if you want to learn new things or not.

Well, punk, do you?
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: comfort zone

I'm not sure about that... it sounds as though a comfort zone was something negative and to be avoided at all cost. If this is the case, why do we enter (or create) our comfort zones at all? Could we live without them? And is it really impossible to learn anything when you're in your comfort zone for a while and hence relatively stress-free? I think in certain circumstances it can give you more space for constructive thinking and frankly, I'd be pretty exhausted if I was constantly exposed to increased stress levels...

I'm asking all this because, well, I like some of my comfort zones and I'd like to defend them a bit ;)

But I've recently left one of them and took up driving lessons again. I must say driving has always scared shit out of me and today I confused the accelerator and brake pedals (again! ;)) I got so stressed out I started to cry and swear and nearly accepted the ciggy from my emphatising instructor ;) But I've shaken it off now and tomorrow I'm going there again (and I'm actually looking forward to it!). Last year's course left me with the feeling I'm an unteachable idiot and would be better off staying away from it. So I guess that's a progress. At least I've stopped feeling claustrophobic when sitting behind the wheel and I'm even kinda enjoy it (when everything goes well that is ;))Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.07.09 o godzinie 00:44

konto usunięte

Temat: comfort zone

We all need comfort zones to help us gather our thoughts, step aside for a while, or simply find shelter from whatever nasty surprises life may bring. They're a good thing and not to be avoided as long as they don't turn into shells in which we hide for weeks.

Those who cannot define their comfort zones rely on Prozac.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: comfort zone

I don't think the only way you learn something is by exiting the comfort zone. It is possible to learn many things even without paying attention.

The comfort zone has more of a serious meaning for me. It's part of the one of the instincts we have. Everyone feels safe in there, in case some certain conditions are met.

A regular human being can not feel safe while sleeping on the street at night, unless that's the regular thing. Actually even homeless people lives in total anxiety, but it becomes the regular substance in the chemistry of their body - they don't notice the angst sometimes.

Comfort zone is a bit deeper than 'lazy zone'. But I can see the link you guys have in your minds. It can be the same thing, but my comfort zone is a tough one. Leaving my comfort zone usually means changing my "home". Moving to another country to live. Leaving someone.
Oh well, I'm depressive, I know...ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.07.09 o godzinie 01:16

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Temat: comfort zone

Ilter, looks like you need a pep talk!
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: comfort zone

Ilter, didn't you know comfort zones are inherited? There's no use to try and get out of them, they'll follow you everywhere ;))
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: comfort zone

@ Tatiana: I always need a pep talk :)
@ Sylwia: no, they aren't.
hehrhehrahilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.07.09 o godzinie 12:12
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: comfort zone

Oh yes, they are! Just as are your angst and nightmares, ha ha! You'll never break freee! ;))

F. Kruger


konto usunięte

Temat: comfort zone

Steve Jones:
The only way you learn something is by exiting the comfort zone.

Depends if you want to learn new things or not.

Well, punk, do you?
We were probably in the original comfort zone in utero. None of us wanted to leave that comfort zone, especially some of these kids with difficult presentations - feet first, whatever. I'm thinking of Steve J., obstetrician from Hell. 100% good outcomes, no exceptions. :)))

Następna dyskusja:

driver to be - my comfort zone

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