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Temat: Christmas Trivia

Do you know any interesting Christmas facts? Urban legends? Old fables? Feel free to share them here!
Christmas jokes, cartoons, photos, etc. can go in here as well.

1. 9 reindeer are used to pull Santa's sleigh. Their names are: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph.

Temat: Christmas Trivia

I have a Santa question.

Do you know who's in charge in his house? Cause I'd love to know if he's the Main Clause, Independent Clause or maybe Dependent Clause. And does he have any Subordinate Clauses?...

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

Marta Głowacka:
if he's the Main Clause, Independent Clause or maybe Dependent
Clause. And does he have any Subordinate Clauses?...
Let`s assume he`s Claus, not Clause and that he`s entirely independent:)

Temat: Christmas Trivia

Violetta P.:
Marta Głowacka:
if he's the Main Clause, Independent Clause or maybe Dependent
Clause. And does he have any Subordinate Clauses?...
Let`s assume he`s Claus, not Clause and that he`s entirely independent:)

You're tight, safe assumption :-). Lucky guy this Santa :-)

EDIT You're RIGHT! Geez, V, I'm sooooo sorry for this typo!Marta Głowacka edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.12.08 o godzinie 12:41

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

It`s ok Marta, no worries.Violetta P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.12.08 o godzinie 12:46

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

Marta, that one was easy. The lady in charge is, of course, Mary Christmas!

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

I heard somewhere... not sure how much of it is actually true, but there is a rumor going around that Christmas has something to do with someone other than Santa.
I was also told at one point that Santa doesn’t really exist and that believing in someone who can supposedly hear your every thought and knows when you are bad and when you are good is considered childish. I tend to dismiss such baseless rumors however.

oh... and Rudolph's nose is supposed to be brown... but that also can not be proven beyond reasonable doubt.

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

Rafal W.:
I heard somewhere... not sure how much of it is actually true, but there is a rumor going around that Christmas has something to do with someone other than Santa.

Call it coincedence Rafal but I heard that rumour too. I set a bear trap in the chimney in my house and every christmas it yielded nothing except nesting birds.
However this rumour is not based on fact because I saw Santa in my local supermarket,sat on his knee, and this evening I am going to his remote log cabin and he will take pictures of me.

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

Lars Saabye Christensen:
Rafal W.:
I heard somewhere... not sure how much of it is actually true, but there is a rumor going around that Christmas has something to do with someone other than Santa.

Call it coincedence Rafal but I heard that rumour too. I set a bear trap in the chimney in my house and every christmas it yielded nothing except nesting birds.
However this rumour is not based on fact because I saw Santa in my local supermarket,sat on his knee, and this evening I am going to his remote log cabin and he will take pictures of me.

By the way.. how is Bisettelsen doing?

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

I have given up and am now in the process of writing "How to annoy people volume 2 " a follow up to my bestseller.

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

I want a signed copy.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Christmas Trivia

I want my royalties.

Temat: Christmas Trivia

I want my little pony.

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

I want it all
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Christmas Trivia

Marta Głowacka:
I want my little pony.
You'll have to wait until your hair grows back again.

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

BTW Lars, is this your book's opening line:

Top o' the mornin to ya, mate.
Hav ya seen my bag o' potatoes?
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Christmas Trivia

I do not want anything. Because there are poeple living everywhere, even in unspoken of and unheard of places, who deserve a present from Santa much much more than me.

PS: For my modesty I then expect a bigger present than all of yours together ;-)

Temat: Christmas Trivia

Bernd Schreckenberg:
PS: For my modesty I then expect a bigger present than all of yours together ;-)

Haven't you seen 'Red Sleigh Down' by any chance, Bernd? :D

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

ilter K.:
I want my royalties.

Quite frankly I wouldnt give you lot the steam off my piss if you were burning but as its christmas.......

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Temat: Christmas Trivia

Bernd Schreckenberg:

PS: For my modesty I then expect a bigger present than all of yours together ;-)

To quote South Park

"You'd have to find the cure for AIDS and Cancer you'd still owe Santa $300!"

Następna dyskusja:

Ban Easter and Christmas!

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