Temat: Childhood collections

What were they?
Do you still keep it?

Are you a collector type?

Pics, pls.

Temat: Childhood collections

my brother's collections included these:
(a random photo from the net)


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Temat: Childhood collections

Lidia, is it his CHILDHOOD collection?;)

Temat: Childhood collections

Can't you see the soft drinks in the top line? :D

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Temat: Childhood collections

Now I can see them!

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Temat: Childhood collections

I started a collection of post cards and still I have it. I think more than 2300 post cards
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Childhood collections

I used to collect model trains - all kinds plus rails, bridges, buildings, full infrastructure ;)
It was lots of fun for both me and my dad.
Strangely, my passion for trains has worn off by now.

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Temat: Childhood collections

Stamps, Spawn figurines and now obscure electronic music on vinyl...

Temat: Childhood collections

All sorts of stones, mainly from the Sudety Mts. My Dad used to take me there on gold searching expeditions, always saying that it would take us some time but one day we would find a stone worth millions. Although sacks of useless stones we brought home are now somewhere in the basement, I think I will do the same with my own son one day (obviously if I have a son). My father has always been a dreamer and it was always my Mum who had to stand firmly on the ground and take care of real everyday life.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Childhood collections

I used to collect sugar bags as a kid. The bags had to be intact with the sugar still inside.

I had quite a selection from all sorts of different places.


Temat: Childhood collections

my other brother collected among other things: bottle caps


and all sorts of tickets (!)


I cannot remember what were my collections...

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Temat: Childhood collections

Michał B.:
All sorts of stones, mainly from the Sudety Mts. My Dad used to take me there on gold searching expeditions, always saying that it would take us some time but one day we would find a stone worth millions. Although sacks of useless stones we brought home are now somewhere in the basement, I think I will do the same with my own son one day (obviously if I have a son). My father has always been a dreamer and it was always my Mum who had to stand firmly on the ground and take care of real everyday life.

Your dad sounds cool

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Temat: Childhood collections

I used to get sickbags and safety instruction cards from planes on our annual holiday.

Does anyone ever use sickbags? My sister used to but even she grew out of that quite quickly.

Temat: Childhood collections

Do you keep your correspondence from your past?
Letters, postcards, memos?

Do you ever go back and read it?

Temat: Childhood collections

Lidia K.:
Do you keep your correspondence from your past?
Letters, postcards, memos?

Do you ever go back and read it?

Sure, I have 3-4 boxes with stuff like that. I even keep my tests from primary school:)

Sometimes, especially in winter, I like to go back to them and talk about my past with my husband. He opens his boxes, I open mine and we laugh about how it was great when you were a child, a teen...

Temat: Childhood collections

Alicja Chołota:
He opens his boxes, I open mine and we laugh about how it was great when you were a child, a teen...
that's a great picture! :))

living in a small apartment and having no basement requires strict rules about collections from your past (but I still keep love letters from liceum, etc.)

Alicja, have you kept any love letters from your (any) other boyfriends?
Should we burn them once love's over?Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.08.08 o godzinie 12:55

Temat: Childhood collections

Lidia K.:

Alicja, have you kept any love letters from your (any) other boyfriends?

Actually no. But my husband has the one he got from me. And he always teases me that he will read it aloud. So I say NO NO NO !!! I don't wanna hear any of these foolish things I used to write. It's amazing how stupid things you can write when you're in love. ;)

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Temat: Childhood collections

It was elephants for me. I only kept a few, the most interesting ones (from India, Africa etc. - of course, before any of you pun loving people jump in, they weren't REAL)

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Temat: Childhood collections

Baseball cards were very popular for trading, and between my brothers and I we had thousands. I gave all of mine away.

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Temat: Childhood collections

I used to collect stamps. Where are they?

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Następna dyskusja:

Childhood dreams

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