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Temat: Censorship

No, not about GL censorship. I just found out one of the greatest Heinz commercials has been banned. See for yourselves:

I see completely nothing wrong with it. Do you?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Censorship

It is not funny, and it is a bad commercial.

Besides, I don't think that it is banned. I bet first reactions were so horrific, Heinz realized it was a very stupid move to air that commercial.

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Temat: Censorship

Hmmmmm, I think this commercial is good because it does what it should do: spreading the brand (Heinz) widely among people. I admit, it's done in a very controversial way but the "target" of this commercial is a very free society of the West. And there it's a good way for promoting Heinz's products. But for example in Poland, Russia, Japan, etc. such way is prohibited. For Heinz, of course, because Heinz would experience lots of troubles.

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Temat: Censorship

I love this one right here...


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Temat: Censorship

Tatiana S.:
No, not about GL censorship. I just found out one of the greatest Heinz commercials has been banned. See for yourselves:

I see completely nothing wrong with it. Do you?

They've removed the video.

People say that Heinz wanted to tell people that the mayonaise was so good that food prepared with it would be like from a typical deli in New York.
Or, they said to themselves, let's put a gay couple in the advert so that it'll cause a scandald and we'll get cheap publicity.

Are all deli workers in New York gay or something?

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Temat: Censorship

Steven H.:

Are all deli workers in New York gay or something?

nope... majority of them are middle eastern... coffee shops... different story.

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Internet 2 and online censo...

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