Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

warren whitmore:
Michal B.:
However, if you bring your spouse, there are only two solutions:
2. You agree to assist him/her forever and ever. At least he/she is under your total control :-)

This has been a massive source of friction for my wife and I.

At first, she enjoyed doing this.

Later, she got fed up with it.
See? Your wife made a mistake at the beginning.:) She should have forced you to learn as much of the language as possible when you came 'fresh' here. Everybody discovers after some time that "well, it's not so bad - I can survive" and give up trying to speak the language.
The lady I mentioned earlier first came to live in Białystok, on the eastern border, where almost nobody spoke English. She said she felt so lonely there that she tought she would die. Then did some intensive course in Polish and things slowly started to get better. Now she bought a flat in Warsaw and only her close friends remember that she is Canadian.
Unfortunately, it's not just the case of 'knowing the language'. You also have to know the proceedures, which are sometimes 'strange'.

Also, if you're doing any kind of business, you will often get a lower price if the deal is conducted by a Polish, rather than English, speaker.

It's very funny observing a nwewcomer to Poland trying to deal with Polish bureaucracy and bureaucrats. (Not for them, of course).

That is absolutely true. But to console you, the bureaucratic procedures are equally mysterious even to us Poles, unless you are a super clever Pole and know all the catches :)Michal B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.08.09 o godzinie 19:41
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Michal B.:
However, if you bring your spouse, there are only two solutions:
1. She/he learns the local language - even the minimum helps.

It's not impossible, you simply have to make it your goal and stick to it. Kari at this point can easily shop, commute and ask general directions as well as order at a restaurant. Small things but crucial to comfortable living.
2. You agree to assist him/her forever and ever. At least he/she is under your total control :-)

You should never agree to something like that.

I know a Canadian lady who chose to spend all her life in Poland and after nearly 10 years here she speaks perfect Polish.

I know a Brit, who's been here for four years and can clearly communicate on pretty much any level, got the slang down too and plays in a theater. Pretty reassuring.

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Rafal Wolk:
It's not impossible, you simply have to make it your goal and stick to it. Kari at this point can easily shop, commute and ask general directions as well as order at a restaurant. Small things but crucial to comfortable living.
Congratulations to Kari! Hope she enjoys living here.

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

I recently tried making a list of pros and cons for moving out of Poland and couldn't come up with more than a couple each. But if I was going to move to the UK, I'd do it for Marmite :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Tatiana S.:
I recently tried making a list of pros and cons for moving out of Poland and couldn't come up with more than a couple each. But if I was going to move to the UK, I'd do it for Marmite :)
A weird name for a guy...

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Violetta P.:
Tatiana S.:
I recently tried making a list of pros and cons for moving out of Poland and couldn't come up with more than a couple each. But if I was going to move to the UK, I'd do it for Marmite :)
A weird name for a guy...
Haha funny V. :)
Nice pic, btw.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Violetta P.:
Tatiana S.:
I recently tried making a list of pros and cons for moving out of Poland and couldn't come up with more than a couple each. But if I was going to move to the UK, I'd do it for Marmite :)
A weird name for a guy...


Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Michal B.:
See? Your wife made a mistake at the beginning.:) She should have forced you to learn as much of the language as possible when you came 'fresh' here. Everybody discovers after some time that "well, it's not so bad - I can survive" and give up trying to speak the language.
I have the same problem here ;) my boyfriend speaks only english to me, so it makes me starting to speak dutch more difficult...
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Tatiana S.:
I recently tried making a list of pros and cons for moving out of Poland and couldn't come up with more than a couple each. But if I was going to move to the UK, I'd do it for Marmite :)

While in High School, I worked at this restaurant joint, we used to play jokes on the waitresses and put signs on their backs. One of them said "I DO IT FOR ROAST BEEF" ... on a Saturday afternoon, that gets a reaction!

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Raf you're wicked ;)
Adam Frank

Adam Frank English Teacher

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Jarek A.:
Aneta Frank:
I guess it would work if we chose Florence :)
Nope. Funnily enough Tuscany is one of those italian regions where the temperatures are very low during winter. Unless you move to the coast...

Not true. Florence has significantly warmer air, year-round. It would be rare for there to be a month that it could approach anywhere NEAR the average daily temperatures that we have around Warsaw.

Check here.


konto usunięte

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Adam Frank:
Jarek A.:
Aneta Frank:
I guess it would work if we chose Florence :)
Nope. Funnily enough Tuscany is one of those italian regions where the temperatures are very low during winter. Unless you move to the coast...

Not true. Florence has significantly warmer air, year-round. It would be rare for there to be a month that it could approach anywhere NEAR the average daily temperatures that we have around Warsaw.

Check here.

Been there, done that. Experienced winter in Florence and on the coast. I didn't say Florence is colder than Warsaw. Clearly, what I said was that it can be colder than other parts of Italy and that -20C is not that uncommon there.
Adam Frank

Adam Frank English Teacher

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Jarek A.:
Adam Frank:
Jarek A.:
Aneta Frank:
I guess it would work if we chose Florence :)
Nope. Funnily enough Tuscany is one of those italian regions where the temperatures are very low during winter. Unless you move to the coast...

Not true. Florence has significantly warmer air, year-round. It would be rare for there to be a month that it could approach anywhere NEAR the average daily temperatures that we have around Warsaw.

Check here.

Been there, done that. Experienced winter in Florence and on the coast. I didn't say Florence is colder than Warsaw. Clearly, what I said was that it can be colder than other parts of Italy and that -20C is not that uncommon there.

The record low for the history of recorded temperatures is -23, and the averages are still higher than almost anywhere around here, so it should work just fine, hahaha...

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