Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Dave A.:
Anetta M.:N. Verifying all pros and cons, but I think I would be able to give up a lot for a really valuable relationship.
I wouldn't give up cheese

Me neither! I said "a lot" but not everything!!

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Anetta M.:

Me neither! I said "a lot" but not everything!!
Glad we've agreed on that. It's important :-)

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Well, my plan is to live in Spain (Andalucia) when I get retired, mostly because of the climate and food.
However if I focus on food will be still Spain but Galicia ( north-western part), the only bad thing there is that it rains quite often.
I also consider Western Mexico ( Pacific Coast) , and Caribbean.:)

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Dave A.:
Anetta M.:

Me neither! I said "a lot" but not everything!!
Glad we've agreed on that. It's important :-)
I agree with Dave. In fact, I think I would be able to move out of Poland again just for the cheese. A piece of Cheddar, for instance. Like a very handsome piece of Cheddar.

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Adam Frank:
How about Sweden in the Summer, so she can tan all day long and Italy in the Winter? Can I have two? Is that against the rules?
That wouldn't work, man. Winter in Italy can be as cold as -20C, and not just high in the Alps.

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

I wanted to post a picture of myself living in another country. Poland to be exact. To show that I can picture myself living in another country.
But I couldn't work out how to post a picture. Probably just as well.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Dave A.:
I wanted to post a picture of myself living in another country. Poland to be exact. To show that I can picture myself living in another country.
But I couldn't work out how to post a picture. Probably just as well.

Upload a photo to FB, then right click on the photo. Go to "properties" and copy the adress URL onto your clipboard.

Then insert the photo as you would any other imageSteve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.08.09 o godzinie 19:27

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Steve Jones:
Dave A.:
I wanted to post a picture of myself living in another country. Poland to be exact. To show that I can picture myself living in another country.
But I couldn't work out how to post a picture. Probably just as well.

Upload a photo to FB, then right click on the photo. Go to "properties" and copy the adress URL onto your clipboard.

Then insert the photo as you would any other imageSteve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.08.09 o godzinie 19:27
Haha wonder if you get the same response as I did!

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

you just place na url between these pair of brackets [ img ] xxxx [ / img ] and that's it

** no spaces there, ** xxxx= url

if you want to have an url code of the picture from your computer go to, upload it and get the codeTommi S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.08.09 o godzinie 19:43

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Thanks for the handy hints but I think I've milked it to death already :-)
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Lidia K.:
Tatiana S.:
I was wondering what Lidia's got to say on this.
:) Tatiana, there's no special answer from me :)

I'm Polish and have virtually no reason to live anywere else.
My work prospects would be worse everywhere else, so no economic reasons.
My family (most of it) lives in Poland. Never had a foreign partner.
It's hard for me to make new friends, so I cherish the ones I already have :)
I absolutely love the Polish nature, especially trees and landscapes.

My answer would be basically same so I'll quote this one ;)

I really don't see a country I would decide to move to. Not that I don't like other countries, I just don't see my life abroad.

OK, screw it, the US!!!!! <yaaaay>Rafał D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.08.09 o godzinie 20:42
Adam Frank

Adam Frank English Teacher

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Jarek A.:
Adam Frank:
How about Sweden in the Summer, so she can tan all day long and Italy in the Winter? Can I have two? Is that against the rules?
That wouldn't work, man. Winter in Italy can be as cold as -20C, and not just high in the Alps.

Still a lot more temperate than where I come from, at least...I'm a desert child.
Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

I guess it would work if we chose Florence :)

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Rafał D.:
My answer would be basically same so I'll quote this one ;)
That's an easy way out, Rafał :)
Have you never considered going to the UK or Ireland and living there just as probably so many of your friends?
I really don't see a country I would decide to move to. Not that I don't like other countries, I just don't see my life abroad.
I get terribly homesick when abroad...

OK, screw it, the US!!!!!
:DLidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.08.09 o godzinie 00:21
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Lidia K.:
Rafał D.:
Have you never considered going to the UK or Ireland and living there just as probably so many of your friends?

I don't really have any friends there. Besides the UK or Ireland seems really boring to me. Nothing impresive in weather neither, in geology, in anything. I wouldn't probably like the people living there neither. And I just hate the accent ;) And sailing is damn expensive there.
I think I'd rather prefer Germany, can you imagine? ;)

I really don't see a country I would decide to move to. Not that I don't like other countries, I just don't see my life abroad.
I get terribly homesick when abroad...

Me too.

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Aneta Frank:
I guess it would work if we chose Florence :)
Nope. Funnily enough Tuscany is one of those italian regions where the temperatures are very low during winter. Unless you move to the coast...
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

I'd like to move again eventually. We've been thinking further east this time around, but not for another 5 or so years. I'd like my kids to be a bit older.
Honestly I don't really care about where I live so long as I can support myself and the family. I don't see cultural differences as something that gets in the way of existing anywhere, quite the opposite. I enjoy cultures and challenges and as hard as it could be to fit into a far east society, I'd love to give it a try. Life's too short to be grounded.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

On the other hand, do you think it takes any special skills [social/physical/mental] in order to remain happy while living abroad?

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Rafal Wolk:
On the other hand, do you think it takes any special skills [social/physical/mental] in order to remain happy while living abroad?

I don't think so. At least I don't think I have such additional skills and yet I have been pretty happy abroad.

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Temat: Can you picture yourself living in another country?

Rafal Wolk:
On the other hand, do you think it takes any special skills [social/physical/mental] in order to remain happy while living abroad?
Nope. Just being open minded, I guess. Wherever I lived, I was happy and simply carried on from day to day the same I would have in Poland. But now that I have a child and need some more security, the decision would be much harder; I guess I can understand Anetta in this respect.

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