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Temat: Beating carpets and flogging dead horses

During the weekend, throughout the day I could hear the sound of carpets being beaten in the courtyards next to the blocks in my neighbourhood.

Why do people do it?
Is this a case of grandmother knowing best, and the oldest solutions being the most effective? Or is it just that in the rather poor neighbourhood where I live people can't afford vacuum cleaners?
I'd have thought that hoovering the rugs once per week would be much more effective and more convenient than disturbing them by picking them up and carrying them down flights of stairs once per month (less often???) to be thwacked in a dusty haze (leaving you hot and dirty).

I seek Polish wisdom on this one.

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Temat: Beating carpets and flogging dead horses

wow... really? That's crazy! I thought that stopped before I even left! We used trzepaki to play games, but I can not recall a single instance when someone would interrupt our games. That was our monkey bars.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Beating carpets and flogging dead horses

Cheap Anger Therapy, Steve. Have a go! I call my carpet "Pan dozorca"!

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Temat: Beating carpets and flogging dead horses

Keith Byrne:
Cheap Anger Therapy, Steve. Have a go! I call my carpet "Pan dozorca"!

Ciec is the word you may want to use haha just not around him... "Ide bic ciecia!"
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: Beating carpets and flogging dead horses

Defence: I think that majority of vacuum cleaners are so rubbish, that they do not do their job properly, apart maybe from always smiling Henry (but expensive). We are used to do that, to refresh the carpet, rather than clean it, I think it is very effective, providing that one washes the carpet afterwards.
It is a really good way of giving the bacteria a good shake ;)
Everyone needs a little shock from time to time, isn't that true? :)

Also, it is a part of spring cleaning I think, but I can only speak for my experience :)

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Temat: Beating carpets and flogging dead horses

Keith Byrne:
Cheap Anger Therapy, Steve. Have a go! I call my carpet "Pan dozorca"!

Good to see you back Keith. You'd been away for a couple of days. I knew that a good meaty topic for discussion would tempt you back!

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