Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: BBC News website readers suddenly develop inexplicable...

can't imagine why this story is #1 most emailed and most read:


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Temat: BBC News website readers suddenly develop inexplicable...

hmmm... mind boggling, something about saving the planet must have people all worked up and ready for action, would be my guess.

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Temat: BBC News website readers suddenly develop inexplicable...

If this helps even one adolescent youth (or sixty year-old lesbian) to discover ornithology, who are we to question why?Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.05.08 o godzinie 03:38

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Temat: BBC News website readers suddenly develop inexplicable...

People just like to keep abreast of environmental matters in the UK.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: BBC News website readers suddenly develop inexplicable...

Steve, with that joke, you've got some front!
Wanda B.

Wanda B. nauczycielka języka

Temat: BBC News website readers suddenly develop inexplicable...

the young tit looks endearing, I must say. (the adult one is pretty too) It's reassuring to know that someone czres about its, at least in the UK.
And what about the population of Polish tits? do they cope as well as the British ones with the terrible climate changes?

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Temat: BBC News website readers suddenly develop inexplicable...

Keith Byrne:
Steve, with that joke, you've got some front!

Are you trying to say it was bad? Should I win the boobie prize for it?

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Temat: BBC News website readers suddenly develop inexplicable...

I know who's the one to blame! ;)))


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Temat: BBC News website readers suddenly develop inexplicable...

Wanda Brzozowska:
And what about the population of Polish tits? do they cope as well as the British ones with the terrible climate > changes?

I think contrary to popular belief Polish tits are probably much better off. Climate is a lot more inviting and it doesn't get titty bit nipply nearly as often as it does in the UK.

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