Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

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Ok, reading it again, I think I didn't get it at first:
Tatiana S.:
... He's helped me a lot, but unfortunately I can't remember his name. (this is me, ladies and gentlemen)
You mean you're almost an expert with Joomla!?

I am tweaking Joomla since my first post on this, and it seems great, seriously.
Last time I'd checked it was 2 years ago and it wasn't impressive at the time.
But wow, they've made it one easy platform to use...

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Lidia, do they say "midgets"?

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Here is our new geek helper..


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I received this by email:

Wysylanie poczty z tego konta zostalo zablokowane. Skontaktuj sie z Portal

I got in touch and didn`t get any reply.

What shall I do?

Whatever you advise, please write in a language that I can understand...
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Probably all you can do is to wait.

But please answer these for my curiosity:
- Do you by any chance use e-mailing softwares like Windows Outlook to read/send e-mails with that account?
(Web-based e-mail services also can be set up to send/retrieve e-mails by using "pop3/smtp")
If not;
- Have you, by any chance, left your e-mail/web-mail browser open and unattended for sometime? Or maybe you forgot to log-off?

Again, they're the administrators and they know the reason why. I'm just trying to narrow down some options.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.10.08 o godzinie 19:51

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ilter K.:
Probably all you can do is to wait.
I will.

But please answer these for my curiosity:
- Do you by any chance use e-mailing softwares like Windows Outlook to read/send e-mails with that account?

Outlook Express
(Web-based e-mail services also can be set up to send/retrieve e-mails by using "pop3/smtp")
If not;
- Have you, by any chance, left your e-mail/web-mail browser open and unattended for sometime? Or maybe you forgot to log-off?
Maybe I didn`t log off. Does it matter?

Again, they're the administrators and they know the reason why. I'm just trying to narrow down some options.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.10.08 o godzinie 19:51
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Violetta P.:
Outlook Express
If Outlook (or Express), and if it is your personal computer, you might be infected with a worm/Trojan virus.
Sometimes these bastards can use your e-mail account to send spam e-mails everywhere, and e-mail providers usually block accounts in order to stop this erratic activity.
Maybe I didn`t log off. Does it matter?
It does matter.
Like the thing with Outlook Express, any program which has "vulnerability" can use OE or IE (Internet Explorer) to do malicious things.
When a login is not ended with a 'formal' log-off, your browser can use that "open" session to continue to do its dirty job.

I advice a "Windows update" for your operating system (Vista? Windows XP?) and "virus definitions" update in your antivirus software. I hope you have an antivirus software?

"Spyware"s can also cause bad things, but most of the 'good boy/good girl' users don't get them anymore lately.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.10.08 o godzinie 20:13

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Thank you Ilter, I`m working on it.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

If you want to come to your senses and be a good believer (finally!), I recommend installing our software - with its new interface for the version 2.0!

So far it is Windows compatible, and works even in Vista.

Sorry, we don't have a plan to port our software to Macs. Not because they are evil, it is simply because we want our software to reach to masses -not to a greedy rich elite.

Here's a small screenshot from the installation screen.


As you can see, installing our software is pretty effin ez.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.11.08 o godzinie 19:37

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So, well, I'm not asking anything here, just sharing with all y'all what just happened to me. And they say math isn't a matter of opinion...


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That's nothing, try to run a really old DOS game without "DOSbox" - it will either not work at all or run so fast that it'll be completely unplayable. :)

PS. Not to mention the games that required a graphic card with Glide type renderer, it's easier to just buy an old computer to play them... ;)

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Just a question for you geeks.

How to make this kind of machine? :)

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1. take a vacuum cleaner
2. plug the tube into the exhaust slot
3. switch it on
4. enjoy the trip
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

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2 in 1

Adam Frank

Adam Frank English Teacher

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I wish to formally apologize to all of the human race for the unleashing of the monster known as "Vista," on behalf of the United States of America and its citizens.

We may have invented electricity, modern lighting, the internet, the phone, and damn-near everything else, but I know that this is little consolation after this tragic, TRAGIC mistake.

...thank you, and please try to resume your normal lives as if Vista never happened.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Actually Vista became very stable after Service Pack 1, too bad the initial release version was a horror story.
Now Windows 7 is on the way, but I doubt if there's anything new in it, other than being more user friendly.

And in other news... Facebook acquires FriendFeed.
Too bad, I thought FriendFeed could stay clean and find a bussiness model for itself...

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W7 is a lot "lighter" and less power hungry than Vista. Visually there aren't many differences between the two systems, but M$ have really learned their Vista lesson and drawn good conclusions.

...except for the big security bug that has just been found in W7.

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Jarek A.:
W7 is a lot "lighter" and less power hungry than Vista. Visually there aren't many differences between the two systems, but M$ have really learned their Vista lesson and drawn good conclusions.

...except for the big security bug that has just been found in W7.

Yeah, old story like "Windows 2000, Mac OS 1984", now it is "Win7, OSX" ;)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

I use Windows7 as the 2nd boot daily, but I fail to see anything 'new' compared to Vista.
It feels like an update, rather than a new OS.

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