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"Clitted Keith" would be even more embarassing.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Magda B.:
Keith Byrne:
Feel free, Mighty Magda, but make sure they know the names come from, er, Knitted Keith

OK, I hope I won't misspell it as "Kilted Keith" :D

For you, Magda, it's no problem. See you tonight in your fantasies! ;-)

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Jarek A.:
"Clitted Keith" would be even more embarassing.

O M G ...

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

I've just realised I could suggest some Aardvark-related names, like:

Awesome Aardvark
Alcoholic Aardvark
Anarchic Aardvark
Arty AardvarkMagda B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.07.08 o godzinie 15:10

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focus on IT

focus on geekness


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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Jarek A.:
focus on geekness

Isn't the Ubuntu name fever an essence of geekness and geek culture?

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Magda B.:
Jarek A.:
focus on geekness

Isn't the Ubuntu name fever an essence of geekness and geek culture?
From Ubuntu to Clitted Keith in less than 20 posts.

Yes, that's the definition of geekness to me.

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Jarek A.:
From Ubuntu to Clitted Keith in less than 20 posts.
Yes, that's the definition of geekness to me.

Well, as the thread is going a bit... errr... masculine, I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that girls are geeks, too! Moreover, they have their own worldwide community!


I can proudly unveil myself as one of them:

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Lazy me. How do I open a .docx document under OO? I know there must be a way of converting this, but I'm tired and going to bed now, hoping to find an answer in the morning. Or, on Sunday, as tomorrow is sure going to be busy as hell.

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Tatiana S.:
Lazy me. How do I open a .docx document under OO? I know there must be a way of converting this, but I'm tired and going to bed now, hoping to find an answer in the morning. Or, on Sunday, as tomorrow is sure going to be busy as hell.
That can help
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Guy, I'm afraid that package doesn't help alone.
But this one does, and you don't have to install anything else to view Office2007 files within OpenOffice.org software:


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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

ilter K.:
Guy, I'm afraid that package doesn't help alone.
But this one does, and you don't have to install anything else to view Office2007 files within OpenOffice.org software:

You're right Ilter. This is indeed the common one.

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Thanks, guys. It worked.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Ok guys, it is my turn...
I need a (preferably open source) software/script/system which could hold simple blog, forum and website together.
Do I need CMS systems like Joomla! ?

Edit. Yes, I have my own domain and host (supporting PHP & MySQL)ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.09.08 o godzinie 22:37

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Joomla is very comprehensive and once you get someone smart to set it up, it will work wonders. I used to work with it n my previous job.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Yup, I've had my eyes on Joomla since some time, but I don't know if the plugins/aditional 3rd party scripts are secure enough or not.

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

There's a CMS group on GL, and I know there's one Joomla! geek out there. He's helped me a lot, but unfortunately I can't remember his name. (this is me, ladies and gentlemen)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Ok, thanks, lemme check it out...

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Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

Is the bbc website down?

Why can't I access it?


Temat: Ask a geek (TM)

warren whitmore:
Is the bbc website down?

Why can't I access it?


No, it's working.

Krakow set sights on Spurs upset -> http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/t/totte...

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