Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Andrzej Dobrucki:
Try to beat Easter chickens squawking (same caller ring feature). Now imagine it's 2 months after easter. Wanna call that person?
Why, you don't like chickens' squawking?
Or do they squawk and say "Happy Easter"?

I also like frogs go "ribbit", but not at night. I captured 2 of them yesterday for that reason. They didn't admitted doing it. I didn't flush them though, they went to the near lake. Not by themselves and willingly, but they did.ilter Kalkanci edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.06.08 o godzinie 09:28

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

ilter Kalkanci:
Andrzej Dobrucki:
Try to beat Easter chickens squawking (same caller ring feature). Now imagine it's 2 months after easter. Wanna call that person?
Why, you don't like chickens' squawking?
Or do they squawk and say "Happy Easter"?

I like horse do we-hee, an owl hooting, a pig grunting but also gobbling turkeys, snorting cows and dronning bees. Croaking frogs are okay.

I also like frogs go "ribbit", but not at night. I captured 2 of them yesterday for that reason. They didn't admitted doing it. I didn't flush them though, they went to the near lake. Not by themselves and willingly, but they did.]

You are real Artist.

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Not many things annoy me more than the standard Nokia and Sony tunes. I don't say it's bad music, I just say that anyone using it should be violently punished. Other things that should not be allowed in a civilised society:
- Axel Foley.
- Any speaking ringtone.
- Anything with words in it.
- Morse code (which is the default nokia ringtone in some models. Change it. Change it now.)
- Text msg ringtones that play longer than a second - a text is a way to communicate something that is not urgent. I don't have to know RIGHT NOW that I got a message. And I certainly don't have to know that someone in a frickin' building just got one.
- Kids (in a ringtone, and at all)
- Tones that make me wonder if it's a tone or I just stepped onto a kitten, or something.
- Axel Foley.

Right now, AFAIR, I have a R2D2 bip for a txt (I don't get many texts thou) and a Dexter main title for a tone, which is perfect, since it starts with a soft sound and I usually can answer the phone before it becomes noticeable for other people. Also, I love the melody.Kuba N. edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.06.08 o godzinie 11:36

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

You forgot Axel Foley.

And the "Beverly Hills Cop 1, 2, 3" theme song too.
Sylwia D.

Sylwia D. Człowiek Aktywny

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

My "favourite" is an aria from Carmen (torreador's aria) - this is one of my coleaque's mobile tune. His phone is ringing every 5 minutes on the average and is veeeery loud :D

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Down the road it's all matter of personal taste. Everything played abundantly on Radio and TV is usually annoying for most of us, while things that are fresh or unique, we think make us shine.
Am I not right?

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

how beautifully developed discussion :)))

Andrzej, re. chicken sounds - I'm enjoying my neighbour's 'Jingle Bells' evey now and then whenever he's at home

How about the standard Gadu Gadu 'you've got a message' sound?
You enter a shop, for example, and then 'zonk', the shop assistant is in the middle of a heated discussion via GG with the sound ON! and you hear it for the entire stay in the shop unless you leave immediately, of course.

Nokia is a killer, no doubt.

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Jarek A.:
You forgot Axel Foley.

And the "Beverly Hills Cop 1, 2, 3" theme song too.

Oh, and that electronic 80s song that goes

My mum's dog seems to like the Window's closing down jingle. It always jumps off her knee and gives a bark at this point. Like Pavlov's dogs she knows that my mum will get up and go downstairs when she hears this noise.*

*Well, of course this isn't actually like Pavlov's dogs, but the principle is the same.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

I think people were being a little ironic in their support for the Nokia standard tone... cos it's clearly the most annoying tone on the planet at the time of writing. There was a sound from the past even more annoying - around the mid to late 90s the Sony Erikson three note non-melodic sound (you know the one I mean). It grated like hell!

I used to have no ringtones on my phone. However, now I've got a new phone with the possibility to create my own tones from MPs: I'm addicted!!!!!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

I was serious about frogs.

It is their mating season. It was ok until now.

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