Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Any comments?

One of my neighbours has a Jingle Bells ringtone. At summertime!
He's apparently very busy because his mobile keeps ringing very often.

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

My pet peeve. I say ALL ring tones are annoying, especially on public transport, at work, at the movies...
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

But there are some really cool and soothing ringtones too. If you set it as an alarm, there's a good chance that you'll sleep more. But not me. I hear it anywayz.

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

I have only one phone. I started assigning family and friends different ringtones, so I don't answer my phone in a businesslike style when they call me.

And I can smile when I hear a friend's call rather than the standard 'another work related thing'. Urgh!

Do I need a holiday?

Would you PAY for a nice ringtone?

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

My phone goes ring, ring if not set on mute, as it usually is.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Would I pay for a nice ringtone?

In this period of time and technology, no way.
It is easy to create my won ringtone. Be it mp3 files or .amr format files. All you need is a kind of connection between the phone and computer. All current phones support USB connections.ilter Kalkanci edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.06.08 o godzinie 18:36

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

I have the Futurama theme song set as ringtone.

So far I've only had friendly smiles from people who heard my phone ring. But I must admit that on public transport I set my phone on vibration and turn down all sounds.

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Would you PAY for a nice ringtone?

It is just another way for simple people to waste money they can't afford to waste. They then complain about not being able to afford the cost of living.

I think that anything that doesn't resemble a phone, or some sort of traditional phone ring rythmn (i.e. prrr prrr) is annoying.
No songs, no music, no voices, no Morse code.

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

have you heard the Czech one?
'to sem ja, wasz telefooooon....'


I absolutely abhore it!!!!

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

And I think nothing can beat the Nokia standard tune.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

I also like the standard ringing sound of old/analog phones. I mean not too old, just from the 80s.

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Lidia K.:
And I think nothing can beat the Nokia standard tune.
Fact: the next person using a phone with Nokia std. tune in my presence will spend his/her summer vacation in a hospital.

To me it is as annoying as the windows logon and logout tunes.

And no - I'd never buy a ringtone. Like Ilter said 99% of modern phones can communicate with a pc (via USB, IrDA, Bluetooth,. etc) so making your own ringtone and uploading it to your phone is a piece of cake task.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.06.08 o godzinie 08:07

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

I love the sound of classic 8-bit computer games for my ringtone or MIDI anime tunes. 80-s are welcome too.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Jarek, although I understand your reasons (except for the hospital thing), Nokia tune is one of the greatest melodies created (especially as a mobile phone melody/ring).
I don't remember the guy's name right now, but that melody kicks a** in my opinion. If Mozart would be alive, he would also congradulate him. Beethoven would order the melody to be played back with bass instruments (because he wouldn't hear it otherwise) or he would order a print-out of the score of the melody. If Elvis would be alive...

Same for the Windows log-in/out sounds. They are usually the least irritating bits of music even on frequent listening conditions. It is proven fact that, 99,75% of the Windows users like it, the rest refused to comment.

Maybe you just don't like things which are repeating, and you like rather rare stuff?

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

ilter Kalkanci:
Maybe you just don't like things which are repeating, and you like rather rare stuff?
Spot on Ilter.

I didn't mean to say that Nokia std. tune/Windows sounds are "crap" piece of "music". What I meant was I can't stand them any longer. There was a time when virtually everybody who had a Nokia would set teh std, tune as a ringtone. That's of course also because the other ringtones built in the phones back then were crap. Apparently I haven't entered the nostalgy phase yet, because i definitely do not miss the 80's sounds. No sir.

I don't know the stats for the Windows users musical preferences. I can say that from my observations most people I know disable ALL sounds in Windows.

PS. If Elvis was alive he'd be an old fat junkie, unable to tell Nokia std. ringtone from his own... (put a body part of your choice here).
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Jarek A.:
I don't know the stats for the Windows users musical preferences. I can say that from my observations most people I know disable ALL sounds in Windows.
Because you are a geek, as far as I remember. Same for your friends, I assume.ilter Kalkanci edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.06.08 o godzinie 08:41

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

ilter Kalkanci:
Jarek A.:
I don't know the stats for the Windows users musical preferences. I can say that from my observations most people I know disable ALL sounds in Windows.
Because you are a geek, as far as I remember. Same for your friends, I assume.
Stab... and twist.

Of course my 'geek' friends do that. 100% of them. And so do tens (maybe hundreds?) of other people I met when I was fixing their pc's.

Certified Geek
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Jarek A.:
Of course my 'geek' friends do that. 100% of them. And so do tens (maybe hundreds?) of other people I met when I was fixing their pc's.
Of course they do. Because they don't like it when it happens.

I also don't like to hear these sounds:
Critical Stop.wav
Battery Low.wav
Battery Critical.wav

Who would like to face with the trouble, and hear it magnified with a music bit?

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

There's something far, far worse though. "Granie na czekanie". God, I hate it. Last week called a VIP client, only to find out when you reach her cell phone number you get to hear "Ela zaraz odbierze, Ela zaraz odbierze". I didn't fucking bother to wait.

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Temat: annoying mobile ringtones

Try to beat Easter chickens squawking (same caller ring feature). Now imagine it's 2 months after easter. Wanna call that person?Andrzej Dobrucki edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.06.08 o godzinie 09:18

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