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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

The English will party the English way, the Polish will get drunk and discuss politics or sing "Hej sokoły!", and the rest will be disgusted. Some will learn about the things they did only after, form a "sticky" thread on Anglo.

I'll just sit back and amuse myself.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Tatiana S.:
The English will party the English way,

I'm not dropping my trousers, if that's what you're thinking!

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Steve Jones:
I'm not dropping my trousers,

Then I`m not coming!

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Violetta P.:
Steve Jones:
I'm not dropping my trousers,

Then I`m not coming!
I'd be more than surprised if you did!

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

we`ll have to consider Steve`s trousers issue at the meeting...
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Steve Jones:
Tatiana S.:
The English will party the English way,

I'm not dropping my trousers, if that's what you're thinking!

Not that sticky thread, Steve!

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Tatiana S.:
The English will party the English way, the Polish will get drunk and discuss politics or sing "Hej sokoły!", and the rest will be disgusted. Some will learn about the things they did only after, form a "sticky" thread on Anglo.

My God! I was at an integration weekend this weekend. We were told that each group would get extra points if they completed tasks whilst singing. And what song did they sing (I say they as it was 90% Poles) - Hej Sokoły!!!!

Have we had a 'The only song that Poles sing' thread?

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I've been to many integration weekends, as well as conferences, weddings etc. This song is bound to come up. Always.

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

havent got any chance to listen this or may be i heard but didnt know ;) but there are two songs i always everyday....listen few times on radio..

suchał, suchał ai yai ai....:D and jeszce raz (once more once more) :D

@ilter Kalkanci : Yes the venue is fixed : Hard Rock Cafe ;)chokshi Kunal edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.08.08 o godzinie 08:39

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I wish I could come. i want to visit Wawa anyway... Maybe I will visit the next Anglosphere meeting ;) why not;)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Oleg Kholyuchenko:
I wish I could come. i want to visit Wawa anyway... Maybe I will visit the next Anglosphere meeting ;) why not;)

Are you gonna keep us in suspense right up to the last minute, Oleg?;)

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Steve Jones:
Oleg Kholyuchenko:
I wish I could come. i want to visit Wawa anyway... Maybe I will visit the next Anglosphere meeting ;) why not;)

Are you gonna keep us in suspense right up to the last minute, Oleg?;)

:) Nope! I just can not go to Warszw these weeks - work. :) But when we will have the next meeting ;) surely I wanna come! Better somewhere in summer or where no snow lays.

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Warren's gonna be there! :D
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

He became a part of the GoldenLine Mythology.

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

please, make some pictures of you all together, guys. I will enjoy, and will be with my thoughts in the meeting there ;)

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Sure. Package prices, depending on who's in the pictures, will vary from &20 to $2,000,000.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

If I'm in the frame and if the shooter used flash, I want to let her/him know that I don't give permissions for unprofessional/crappy flash-photos to be published.

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Could the people who have signed up for the meeting, but never actually cared to write anything on Anglo, speak up???
The list is getting longer, and I recognize less than half of the names.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I will make a selection at the entrance. No worries.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.08.08 o godzinie 22:31

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Should we make a list? I sincerely hope I get through!

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Anglosphere and friends mee...

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