Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Why does the youth nowadays use such measures?
Why do they break out of their homes and society to harm others?


Police in the German state of Bavaria stopped a student armed with an ax and Molotov cocktails from killing others at a school in Ansbach on Thursday. Two youths were seriously injured in the incident.

Or why do they leave Germany to become a terrorist for the Taliban, threatening the whole German society with retaliation for partaking in the war in Afghanistan?


In a new video message, the terrorist network al-Qaida has warned of attacks in Germany during the two weeks after the Sept. 27 election, if there are no signals of a withdrawal of German troops from Afghanistan. Authorities are taking the threat seriously and have raised the level of security precautions.

Are there similar occurrences in Great Britain, the USA, Australia, Poland? Has the violence amongst youngsters there risen too?

How should the democratic society react on such threats? What can we or should we do?

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Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Why does the youth nowadays use such measures?
Why do they break out of their homes and society to harm others?

Too much freedom, cash hence f***d up in the head? When I was that age it was very much "head down, arse up and study" attitude and not all the stress-free bollocks I see around now.
How should the democratic society react on such threats? What can we or should we do?[/b]

We should put cane them and make them repay for what that did even if it takes the bastards some years. Works in Singapore. Else, shoot them, and kudos to German police for doing it.Marcin B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.09.09 o godzinie 17:04
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Shooting perpetrators in the act is one thing, but rooting out the problems another, innit?
I don't think the threat of severe punishment (like caning) will do good. I'd even reckon a stronger opposition.

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Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Shooting perpetrators in the act is one thing, but rooting out the problems another, innit?

If several other potential bomb throwers see that that the police has no problem shooting them dead they will think twice about doing it. If they do it anyway, well, too bad for them.
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Imho, it's just like Marcin stated - too much freedom, too much cash (not earned by themselves), too many "human rights" and too much, well free time.
If kids have to learn and act responsibly then they enjoy their normal social and sport teenage activities - if they have too much time and feel they are not likely to be punished - they go crazy.

@Bernd, btw - have u heard this?:
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Paweł Gąsior:
Imho, it's just like Marcin stated - too much freedom, too much cash (not earned by themselves), too many "human rights" and too much, well free time.
If kids have to learn and act responsibly then they enjoy their normal social and sport teenage activities - if they have too much time and feel they are not likely to be punished - they go crazy.

But why would a kid of a rich family, with all kinds of gimmicks at home, friends, travel-possibilities, etc. all of a sudden decide to go to Syria, Lybia or whatever state there, to undergo a terrorist training to eventually bomb German or other country's citizens?
@Bernd, btw - have u heard this?:

Rockhard reader's charts No.1 since it came out :D Bought it the first day :)

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Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Paweł Gąsior:
Imho, it's just like Marcin stated - too much freedom, too much cash (not earned by themselves), too many "human rights" and too much, well free time.
If kids have to learn and act responsibly then they enjoy their normal social and sport teenage activities - if they have too much time and feel they are not likely to be punished - they go crazy.

But why would a kid of a rich family, with all kinds of gimmicks at home, friends, travel-possibilities, etc. all of a sudden decide to go to Syria, Lybia or whatever state there, to undergo a terrorist training to eventually bomb German or other country's citizens?

I assume those kids got muslim roots. They are young, strong religious guru influence, romantic stuff about freedom, paradise etc.
By the way - we fight against them - in Afghanistan and in Iraq so we can not be suprised they would like to kick our asses. We bomb them from the sky they attack how they are able to do it.

PS: Jean-Marie Le Pen was asked once what he suggests to do with these kids which burns cars etc. in France. He said: "I send them back to their countries immediately". "But fathers of these kids heped to build our country" - said journalist. "But I am not speaking about their fathres" - answered Le Pen.

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Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Paweł Gąsior:
Imho, it's just like Marcin stated - too much freedom, too much cash (not earned by themselves), too many "human rights" and too much, well free time.
If kids have to learn and act responsibly then they enjoy their normal social and sport teenage activities - if they have too much time and feel they are not likely to be punished - they go crazy.

But why would a kid of a rich family, with all kinds of gimmicks at home, friends, travel-possibilities, etc. all of a sudden decide to go to Syria, Lybia or whatever state there, to undergo a terrorist training to eventually bomb German or other country's citizens?

Maybe as the means of exploring novel and fascinating experiences? There is an old Russian adage about that - "z zyru biesitsija" roughly equivalent to Polish "w dupach sie z dobrobytu poprzewracalo".
I could tell you how many young idiots naming themselves "Marxists" I met in Goettingen... I wish they experienced a bit of what goodness that was. And why did they become "Marxists"? Maybe because they had too much time at hand and thought it was cool to "think different" and an Apple Mac wasn't cool enough anymore ;)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Marcin B.:

Maybe as the means of exploring novel and fascinating experiences?

Good point.
There is an old Russian adage about that - "z zyru biesitsija" roughly equivalent to Polish "w dupach sie z dobrobytu poprzewracalo".
I could tell you how many young idiots naming themselves "Marxists" I met in Goettingen...

There are the so called 'Gutmenschen'. People who want you to tolerate everything which comes from minorities, brown or black or yellow people. These kind of people excuse Palestinian suicide bombings of school busses, honor killings, mutilation in the Turkish society in Germany (they only act due to their tradition, we have to respect that).
Culminating in women who got raped by a foreigner saying: He had to do it because we, I oppressed him.
I wish they experienced a bit of what goodness that was. And why did they become "Marxists"?

Hm, I assume it's a moral excuse for not wanting to work.
Maybe because they had too much time at hand and thought it was cool to "think different" and an Apple Mac wasn't cool enough anymore ;)

Nope. A study some time ago proofed that people of all parts of German society have very similar views: A job, a house, a family, a car.
Germans are a morale oriented society. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you have strong moral reasons (preferably from the left political spectrum) for them (for instance: Fight against oppression, freedom fight, equality, etc.).

No, those white and blond German kids growing beards and turning into Muslim-bombers is beyond comprehension for me. We as a society do something very wrong if our kids turn not only to violence but to despise of every human right.
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Bernd Schreckenberg:
No, those white and blond German kids growing beards and
turning into Muslim-bombers is beyond comprehension for me. We as a society do something very wrong if our kids turn not only to violence but to despise of every human right.

Hm, but doesn't it also look like a second wave of Mainhof-Bader Red Army Fraction? As you very truely wrote such ideology is a good excusing of not wanting to work and also gives a false conviction of doing something good for the world.
For me it seems that it's leftish ideology which is having a heavy toll.

And yeah, it was a silly question if you heard the last Kreator ;)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

I doubt the RAF is of any example for these kids. We had movies, TV-documentaries and lots of press about these people, especially since some of them were released this year from prison.

Nonetheless would it be not the first time that a leftist ideology led to a gruesome reality and misguiding of people...

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Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

When mood disorder meets impulse control problems, you're in a personality disorder.. Why can't kids just cut themselves anymore?

(if someone wants to kill or maim your loved one in his/her school, kill their whole family and then let God sort it out).
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Bernd Schreckenberg:
I doubt the RAF is of any example for these kids.

Yes, that's rite - the roots are different and Mainhof and Bader aren't idols any longer (but on the other hand Ernesto Guevara is), but the scheme itself is indeed quite similiar.

Kids and students, who don't need to worry too much, want to be heroes and do something "good for the world" but without a big effort, find a ideology which shows how to liberate the world from tyrants (and hav much fun meanwhile).

And then it evolves to:

I do not need a cause for my rage
I just despise the nature of the human race
When all I see is repulsion and hate
Violence becomes my only friend, my saving grace
When love is lost beyond your control
A pale shadow of lust can not enlight your soul
So keep your ice cold bitter illusions
I don't need your empty world my only solution
is a Violent Revolution

Violent Revolution, Violent Revolution
Reason for the people to destroy

Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Joj Y.:
When mood disorder meets impulse control problems, you're in a personality disorder.. Why can't kids just cut themselves anymore?

(if someone wants to kill or maim your loved one in his/her school, kill their whole family and then let God sort it out).

Cut yourself=hurt yourself=irritating

Destroy someone else=doing something good=feeling accomplished

Or something...

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Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Probably not the most thoughtful thing I've ever said.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Joj Y.:
Probably not the most thoughtful thing I've ever said.

That's just impossible :D

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Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Joj Y.:
Probably not the most thoughtful thing I've ever said.

That's just impossible :D
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Amok-runs, terrorism and violence,1518,650...

The German government is trying to secure the release of a group of suspected German Islamists who were arrested by Pakistani authorities while making their way to a jihadist colony in the Waziristan region along the Afghan-Pakistani border. Entire families from Germany are moving to the region to join the jihad.

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