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Temat: America slips down the development index:

Americans live shorter lives than citizens of almost every other developed nation, according to a report from several US charities.

The report found that the US ranked 42nd in the world for life expectancy despite spending more on health care per person than any other country.


Any opinions?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.07.08 o godzinie 16:44

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Temat: America slips down the development index:

With the amount of hormones, antibiotics and pesticides that are being pumped into every bit of food we eat here, I am not surprised. Coupled with stress and lack of universal health care, people can't afford check ups or regular doctor visits. Sad state of affairs.

Temat: America slips down the development index:

Also, it may have something to do with a specific species, which inhabits North America (particularly the US). Are you familiar with them? They drive thru everything: fast food restaurant, bank or even a wedding chapel in Vegas. Walking is unheard of. Nobody cooks anymore, and eating junk food 3 times a day is quite usual. Kids are familiar with a invention called ‘fruits and veggies’, but they’re avoiding it as if it were pure poison. Pop is drunk by gallons. And of course an average adult member of this breed is at least 200 lbs.

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Temat: America slips down the development index:

Magdalena Czerwińska:
Also, it may have something to do with a specific species, which inhabits North America (particularly the US). Are you familiar with them? They drive thru everything: fast food restaurant, bank or even a wedding chapel in Vegas. Walking is unheard of. Nobody cooks anymore, and eating junk food 3 times a day is quite usual. Kids are familiar with a invention called ‘fruits and veggies’, but they’re avoiding it as if it were pure poison. Pop is drunk by gallons. And of course an average adult member of this breed is at least 200 lbs.

Although I do agree that there are a lot of people that do fit the above description, I must say that you are generalizing a bit. Not everyone here got married by Elvis in Vegas, just like not all kids eat nothing but junk food and drink soda.

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Temat: America slips down the development index:

Rafał's right. Most of my friends and family weren't like that. We did drive most of the time (try walking round the town in 90 degree heat and 80% humidity), but no one was fat. We went to the beach, jet skiing, swimming, played games and made sure as much of our food as possible was low fat and low sugar. Obesity is the sickness of the poor, especially in the States.

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Temat: America slips down the development index:

The driving is also a part of the American culture that others like to make fun of... not realizing that distances here are tremendously bigger. Texas is the size of Poland for example. Distance here is measured in time that it takes from point A to point B rather than the actual millage. So if you ask someone - "How far is it?" The answer you are most likely to get is - "Oh around 30 minutes, 45 with traffic".

Also, a lot of people (mid west and south states especially) live miles away from stores or any sort of civilization, so to say that people here drive out of laziness is sort of ignorant. They drive because otherwise they'd die of starvation, unless you like to walk 10 miles to pick up dozen eggs.
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: America slips down the development index:

Although I do agree that there are a lot of people that do fit the above description, I must say that you are generalizing a bit. Not everyone here got married by Elvis in Vegas, just like not all kids eat nothing but junk food and drink soda.

HEY!! My good friends got married by Elvis in New Orleans thank you very much!! They are the slimmest, smartest, most charitable vegetarians I know, so poo on you Raffle.

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