Temat: Ageism in age-segregated societies

Is there any discrimination against the elderly in our society?

Are you too old for certain jobs already?

Do you show any prejudice against people over certain age?

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Temat: Ageism in age-segregated societies

I think there is a high rate of discrimination against the elderly when it comes to employment, but it is based on a fact that in the past 15 – 20 years, available technology has changed dramatically, leaving the vast majority of old people in the dust.
Most work places use computers to operate business; everything is automated and requires people to be knowledgeable in many fields of new available technology. I don’t think humanity have ever seen such a jump in technological advances which directly influence our lives to a degree that we’ve witnessed in the past 20 years.

With that said, I personally wouldn’t hire an older person to take care of my companies IT issues, just as I wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t speak English at the customer service desk (something that is actually a pretty popular technique used by many corporations, Dell for example.)

Temat: Ageism in age-segregated societies

There's this Italian restaurant in my town with middle-age waiters (men). I feel quite strange when they serve me.
And tipping is even more embarassing.

Am I a sexist and ageist at the same time?!

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Temat: Ageism in age-segregated societies

Lidia K.:
There's this Italian restaurant in my town with middle-age waiters (men). I feel quite strange when they serve me.
And tipping is even more embarassing.

Am I a sexist and ageist at the same time?!

Wow - is it strange having middle-aged waiters? It's normal in Britain. And France.
I dont understand - why would tipping a middle-aged person be embarrassing?Dave Andrew edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.08.08 o godzinie 20:16

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Temat: Ageism in age-segregated societies

Lidia K.:
There's this Italian restaurant in my town with middle-age waiters (men). I feel quite strange when they serve me.
And tipping is even more embarassing.

Am I a sexist and ageist at the same time?!

I don't see anything wrong with middle age man serving me food or tipping them for that matter. In the US, there are these diners… it’s such an American icon. They all look the same inside and out, with their trailer park qualities. Little American flags and shiny fake chrome sidings. Inside you find the personal juke boxes on every table; served with unlimited coffee refills comes your white bread toast with imitation butter and is brought to you by a middle aged lady, dry as a stick with a deep, scratchy from way too many cigarette breaks voice and yellowish fingers … always calls you “Hon”, “sweetie” and usually ends most conversations with a loud dry chuckle… funny or not.
“What can I get you hon?”

I don’t feel bad tipping them or having her serve me food… it’s her job and I am helping her pay her bills…. Job like any other ;)



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Temat: Ageism in age-segregated societies

Lidia K.:
There's this Italian restaurant in my town with middle-age waiters (men). I feel quite strange when they serve me.
And tipping is even more embarassing.

Am I a sexist and ageist at the same time?!

They're just money-laundering mafiosi.

I'm certainly not an ageist, I show all due respect to senior citizens - especially elderly Varsovians. Those people are storytelling treasure-hoards. Maybe that's because I'm a WWII freak, and each single wartime story holds priceless value for me.Adam Lipiński edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.08.08 o godzinie 20:34

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Temat: Ageism in age-segregated societies

I'm in IT. This is a sector where middle-age and older programmers have to either be very good and familiar with state-of-the-art technologies or to change a job. Timeline of any programming language or technology is about 10 years long. You are very good at the end of the timeline and after that, you are a beginner - you have to start all from scratch.

Temat: Ageism in age-segregated societies

Dave Andrew:
Wow - is it strange having middle-aged waiters? It's normal in Britain. And France.
I dont understand - why would tipping a middle-aged person be embarrassing?
You should see them first, Dave.
It's a unique experience or I don't have that worldwide perspective.
It's like travelling back in time.
For example, they also use diminutives a lot (rachuneczek, pieniazki, przystaweczka).

It's in Rynek, so all other restaurants employ students and temp staff, and they are like ancient regime there.

OK, forget tipping. I won't go into that.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Ageism in age-segregated societies

Lidia K.:
There's this Italian restaurant in my town with middle-age waiters (men). I feel quite strange when they serve me.
And tipping is even more embarassing.

Am I a sexist and ageist at the same time?!

I suspect that you might be both....

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