Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: A mystery gift

Early this morning I went out for a cigarette on my balcony (second floor, not overlooked, view over a locked residents-only garden) and found a carrier bag. So I looked inside.

Imagine my surprise when I found that it was full of packets of sanitary towels, all different brands, each pack opened.

I'm fairly sure that this isn't a Polish tradition, like Śmigus Dyngus, not that I ever got a mystery delivery of feminine hygiene products back in UK, but the obvious questions are; why somebody would open each packet, why they would throw them onto my balcony, and does anybody want them?
Karolina Lemel-Vacca

Karolina Lemel-Vacca Finance
currently on
maternity leave

Temat: A mystery gift

LOL :-)

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Temat: A mystery gift

Well, I guess you have a secret admirer. Or a psycho admirer. Either way, sounds like fun.
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: A mystery gift

I'm no expert, but I think these things are quite expensive. At a loss for what to do with them though :-))

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Temat: A mystery gift

Since every packet has been opened, I'd toss them. You never know who might have done what with them.
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: A mystery gift


Now I think about it, there's a brand analysis company on the ground floor, which might account for there being so many types. I think I will sling them, it'll save awkward explanations if someone finds them all in my bathroom.

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Temat: A mystery gift

Jon M.:
I'm no expert, but I think these things are quite expensive. At a loss for what to do with them though :-))

I once jammed tampons up a woman's nose in an urgent situation at a mall because she was gonna bleed out right there if she had to wait for cauterizing tools.

You shoulda seen her! I rifled through her purse hoping she had a couple and she did. It's funny now. She was heavy and she on a grey coat...white tampons sticking out her nose like fuckin' tusks, man.

Use them to make a pillow for your couch.

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Temat: A mystery gift

At my leaving do last week the girls were talking about the office tampon supply and the boss and sticking them up his nose, or at least this is what I thought I'd got from their conversation. I don't know if he'd had a bad cold.

Beats blowing your nose every 2 minutes.

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