Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Agnieszka Piasecka:

Conspiracy theories are created by sick people who simply cannot bare in mind that THERE ARE people who would go to USA get the jet pilot course and blow any building up.
I suggest to reach a bit deeper than only modified TV news and Patriotic stories created for simple american minds.
There are too many questions "why" and "How" in regard to 9/11.
among others Pentagon "plane" vanishing and curious multi micro explosions before the twin towers colapsing .

No to forget the fact that actualy NONE of the burning skyscrapers in history collapsed due to fire , and no jet plane vanished due to its explosion.

Also bare in mind how much the US Govt won on this terrorist act in terms of society control and reducing of the civil rights.

I do believe that was an inside job.Tommi S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 14:35
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

ilter K.:
Rafal Wolk:
I worked for a photo place doing restorations and retouching photos... I grabbed a camera and snapped some pics.
Have you heard anything 1st hand, about CIA visiting the photo-shops around the area and confiscating negatives etc.?
That sounded odd to me, because I thought anyone could get their hard copies elsewhere... but you know... it still sounds weird.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 10:37

Nobody was confiscating anything, they did ask for any and all possible help from the people. People volunteered their vids and shots.
Our store was the only photo processing place open within the 12 block radius. As a matter of fact, we were the only business which remained open for weeks after. You needed a special ID card to get through check points. Hummers with mounted machine guns and soldiers, FBI, ATF and other acronym covered jackets were walking around everywhere. I walked by one of the engines, [I found this photo of it online]


on my way to the train.

Most stories about what happened are full of it. There was no secondary explosion, there were no other explosions while the building was collapsing, people were not being harassed by the Police. This was the first time actually when I was glad that the cops were around... they did do a good job at making sure people were not getting hurt.

Couple days later, few suits came into our store and we were asked to put images onto CDs. It was all crime scene photos from the feds [just my guess - dark suits, flashed some badges, stood right behind us while we processed those photos, no talking].

Few workers came to us to develop their own pictures. Some of them worked three or four days and nights straight, with out any rest, without going home or seeing their families. Everyone was hoping against all odds for survivors. One of the workers fell asleep at the entry way to our store, he was all covered in dust and was up for over 30 hrs just digging through the rubble. He was from the Bronx and his family had no idea if he was ok so we let him use our phone, got him some coffee and let him wash himself off. He fell asleep with the coffee in his hand, right outside of our door. After the pics were finished, we let him sleep there for a while, nobody bothered him, nobody asked for his camera or film.

The fire burned for months, five or six if I recall correctly. When the wind came from the ocean side, the smell was unbearable. Each day we were forced to sweep and dust every surface, everything was covered in fine grayish powder.

One night, not too long after, Kari and I were coming back from Brooklyn, it was around 2am when we noticed that the subway actually went the old way [stopping at the WTC stop, which was closed and out of service for months] we watched workers get on, very creepy and gloomy feeling. The station was still nearly completely demolished with piles of rubbish and dust everywhere.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Agnieszka Piasecka:

Here are some questions which I guess would qualify as "sick" in your book:

1. How is it that people who are on the FBI terrorist watch list, get through on a plane and get off at JFK and nothing? If you ever go to JFK... you'll understand.

2. Why is it that someone can go into a pilot school and ask to only learn how to take off and fly... but not land the damned thing... and not raise any red flags?

3. How come while the entire US airspace was declared a no-fly zone... airplanes took off and brought some Saudi nationals back home?

4. How can Condalisa Rice with a Phd in political science, sit there and with a straight face say to the American people - "who could have predicted that airplanes could be used as missiles?"

5. What the fuck?

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

indide job my friend, how come WTC No 7 collapsed? of fire?
There was no hit, just the fire.Tommi S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 15:58
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafal Wolk:
... I walked by one of the engines, [I found this photo of it online] [...] on my way to the train...
... which doesn't look like a commercial airliner, jet engine, btw.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

yeah, they've found Rolls Royce one, and the planes used GE ones..to many question marks.
The fire remaining for weeks,also suggested ( authorities of MIT) that they used Thermite to destroy, they have found traces of thermite in the samples of dustTommi S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 16:12
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Tommi S.:
indide job my friend, how come WTC No 7 collapsed? of fire?
There was no hit, just the fire.Tommi S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 15:58

well, considering the fact that the structure of the entire Manhattan island is set on swamp I was actually surprised that there wasn't any more damage. In order to rebuild, they had to build something that looks sort of like a swimming pool with huge reinforced concrete walls to keep the river at bay and to keep all the water from flooding the construction area.

After a million tons of concrete hits the floor at this velocity.. well, you can rest assured that some, if not all of the surrounding buildings will either collapse or will be unsuitable for living.

I personally don't believe in any of the theories brought fourth shortly after. It's really not as simple as "controlled explosions". Anyone believing in that sort of thing must be seriously naive.

This is something that is deeply rooted in the history of the US and it's foreign politics. I'd faster believe in a wall street connection then one that leads to hundreds and hundreds of invisible men, planting explosive devises unnoticed in THE busiest buildings on the planet. There were approximately around 50,000 people that looped through that building daily.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Tommi S.:

The fire remaining for weeks


>,also suggested ( authorities of MIT)
that they used Thermite to destroy, they have found traces of thermite in the samples of dust

I can assure you, that there were no additional explosions that took place.
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Jakub Mazurek:
Yes I was after school (11) and it was so ... abnormal - nothing on TV except two burning towers . I remember it quite well . I didn't do anything - I was just watching
I was at my place working on the computer. my radio was switched on but I didn't listen to it as I was focused on my M.A. dissertation. my husband-to-be called me and told me what he had heard. I was sure he was joking. we met that evening and we watched TVN24 and could hardly believe in that tragedy...

my husband is 9/11 theories mad. he's watched everything what he could regarding that day. he believes it was a conspiracy.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Katarzyna M.:
do you remember what you did when all the world was informed what had happened that day?

I exactly remember that day and everythink I did. I'm not saying that it's normal or others should remember or anything, the fact just is I do remember.

BTW: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=911_mo...Rafał D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 20:43
Ken Fleming

Ken Fleming native speaker :
graphic designer :
legal alien

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

I returned to in England in early September for my mother's funeral. She had lived within sight of the sea, in a small town on the north-east coast, and her wish was that her ashes should be scattered on the sea she loved. So we took her ashes onto the pier .... it was a very hot, stifling day, although the sky was grey and cloudy. There was absolutely no wind, but the sea was boiling, great waves crashing onto the sand. As I tipped my mother's ashes into the sea, a evening sun on the horizon broke through the grey clouds - a truly magical moment.

We returned to hr house, and a neighbour stopped us with the news of what was happening in New York. A memorable day ....

It only struck me the other day, the significance of my present adress : ul. xxxx 9/11.

Anyway, for us Brits it's 11/9 :)
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafał D.:
Katarzyna M.:
do you remember what you did when all the world was informed what had happened that day?

I exactly remember that day and everythink I did. I'm not saying that it's normal or others should remember or anything, the fact just is I do remember.

BTW: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=911_mo...Rafał D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 20:43

It is normal. It was a significant day that will go down in history. It would've been weird if you'd have said that you don't recall. Sort of like when Bush Sr. said that he can't remember where he was when JFK was assassinated.
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Ken Fleming:
Anyway, for us Brits it's 11/9 :)

I was sure it's American. I've never met anyone British who writes a date like you but I've met a lot of Americans who do that...
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

as I haven't realized, could you tell me whether American media talked about 9/11?

as far as I'm concerned there was not much about 07.07.2005...
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafal Wolk:
Dear Rafal. thank you for submitting these questions and I am willing to answer to some of them due to the best of my abilities.

Thank you as well for your memoir story of that day which is claryfying some things for people - like CIA secrecy hush up accusations and so on.
Agnieszka Piasecka:

Here are some questions which I guess would qualify as "sick" in your book:

1. How is it that people who are on the FBI terrorist watch list, get through on a plane and get off at JFK and nothing? If you ever go to JFK... you'll understand.
Now or before 9/11?
Before 9/11 plenty of people on the FBI list got into USA by variety of ways - either through Mexico or Canada.
And later on everything was easy. Including buying variety of tickets for non - existing or casual names from the phonebook or getting with the plastic guns non detectable by any equipment of that time.

Remember that you have plenty of security agencies but they used to challenge one another with the White House influences instead of cooperating.

Another thing is the automacy of daily work of the security officers at any airport.
2. Why is it that someone can go into a pilot school and ask to only learn how to take off and fly... but not land the damned thing... and not raise any red flags?

Who told you they did not learn that?
Besides in USA everything is possible for sufficient money and you shall find people who don't ask questions. Maybe people or person who trained them now claims that they only learnt to take off and fly bur eventually he did not report that to anyone, did he?

3. How come while the entire US airspace was declared a no-fly zone... airplanes took off and brought some Saudi nationals back home?
because they were Bin Ladin family. And because not only the Bushes but plenty of USA corporations had been doing and still do business with them.

Raged crowd would easily confuse those Bin Ladins with Osama.

4. How can Condalisa Rice with a Phd in political science, sit there and with a straight face say to the American people - "who could have predicted that airplanes could be used as missiles?"

True, silly. She didn't read enough political fiction books. She doesn't spent enough time at the balcony sitting and thinking...what if I were a terrorist...

5. What the fuck?

That the crap.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Agnieszka Piasecka:
Rafal Wolk:
Dear Rafal. thank you for submitting these questions and I am willing to answer to some of them due to the best of my abilities.

Thank you as well for your memoir story of that day which is claryfying some things for people - like CIA secrecy hush up accusations and so on.
Agnieszka Piasecka:

Here are some questions which I guess would qualify as "sick" in your book:

1. How is it that people who are on the FBI terrorist watch list, get through on a plane and get off at JFK and nothing? If you ever go to JFK... you'll understand.
Now or before 9/11?

Before, but why should this matter? Did everyone forget about the 93 bombing?


Before 9/11 plenty of people on the FBI list got into USA by variety of ways - either through Mexico or Canada.

Yet these guys arrived at NYC, at the JFK airport where even I was treated like a terrorist! This is the airport that strip searched my mom for fucks sake! BEFORE 9/11!
And later on everything was easy. Including buying variety of tickets for non - existing or casual names from the phonebook

It's not as easy as you may think. I've traveled quite a bit in the states, and it's really not that easy. You are still checked before boarding the plane.
or getting with the plastic guns non detectable by any equipment of that time.

Remember that you have plenty of security agencies but they used to challenge one another with the White House influences instead of cooperating.

You really shouldn't believe this line. This is something that was sold to the public. Imagine a country like the US where ATF, Immigration, CIA, FBI and NSA are not working together... I call bull shit.
Another thing is the automacy of daily work of the security officers at any airport.

Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam was not permitted to board a plane... but they allowed KNOWN and LISTED terrorists to not only board a plane but also enter the country???
2. Why is it that someone can go into a pilot school and ask to only learn how to take off and fly... but not land the damned thing... and not raise any red flags?

Who told you they did not learn that?

That was the story on EVERY US news channel. Hijackers attended flight schools and requested to learn how to steer and take off, but not land...
Besides in USA everything is possible for sufficient money and
you shall find people who don't ask questions.

This is where you are wrong again. In the US it's much, MUCH harder to find people who are business owners to bend rules. Do you think a school owner would risk his license and his livelihood for couple of bucks? Seriously? The image of the "whatever" type of American is nothing more than made for TV idea. Americans are VERY law abiding citizens and something like that would and should have been reported.
Maybe people or person who trained them now claims that they only learnt to take off and fly bur eventually he did not report that to anyone, did he?

Supposedly it was reported... but who really knows? This is yet another thing that we may never find out anything about.

3. How come while the entire US airspace was declared a no-fly zone... airplanes took off and brought some Saudi nationals back home?
because they were Bin Ladin family.

That's even more of a reason to keep them IN don't you think?
And because not only the Bushes but plenty of USA corporations had been doing and still do business with them.

What do you think is more important? Personal business or the safety and security of people whom you are in charge of protecting?

Raged crowd would easily confuse those Bin Ladins with Osama.

There were no enraged crowds, American people are not some savages ready to kill anything with a burka or a turban. If that was the case, half of Queens would've been torched and most small business' in Manhattan.

4. How can Condalisa Rice with a Phd in political science, sit there and with a straight face say to the American people - "who could have predicted that airplanes could be used as missiles?"

True, silly. She didn't read enough political fiction books.

Having a Phd in Political Science in tells that she'd had to be a history buff. I've got just one word for you - Kamikaze. Even if you don't study world history and only focus on the US history, you still should at least know about Pearl Harbor.
She doesn't spent enough time at the balcony sitting and thinking...what if I were a terrorist...

That was her job, she was the "National Security Expert" she was the "Secretary of State". I'm sorry but nobody can sell me a story like that. There is just no way! Plus... there was the infamous memo written by an FBI agent and sent to Condie which read - "Laden determined to strike in the US".

Copies of this memo went to Condoleeza Rice, Andrew Card, Dick Cheney, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Nancy Pelosi, Bob Graham.

Then you had Richard Clarke!

"Something spectacular is going to happen." July 5th, 2001 Richard Clarke in a White House meeting.

When the chief counter-terrorism adviser on the U.S. National Security Council tells you something like that... well, maybe you should do something about it. Richard Clarke was the ONLY member of Bush's gov't to actually take blame and apologize to the American people. I highly recommend reading some of his books written AFTER he quit the job.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Katarzyna M.:
as I haven't realized, could you tell me whether American media talked about 9/11?


as far as I'm concerned there was not much about 07.07.2005...

It was all over the media... I mean every station in the world was running the story 'round the clock.

konto usunięte

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafal Wolk:
The Coast Guard had maneuvers on the river the other day, on 9/11. They didn't state their plans. So there they were on the morning of the memorials, buzzing around the river BOP BOP BOP...BOP BOP BOP live. CNN was reporting shots fired etc ad nauseum.

Really? You're goin' on maneuvers today? Really. Under the bridge the President's motorcade is going over. Huh. You're not going to send a heads up? Really? You're not gonna tell anyone. Really. :)))
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafal, have you ever heard about the thing called beaurocracy?
Or you are going to tell me that even that was made up for TV?

Enough to say how it works: low level specialists gather information. Then they prepare abstracts and some 30% information gets higher to their bosses. And so on upwards. Eventually 5% information gets to the executive level. It works like this everywhere.

Add there laziness and carelessness of white collars and you have mess.

Add there "I don't care" attitude of plenty of people and you have mess.

As Tim Winer said in a brief conversation with me whole USA security was demontaged during Clinton's presidency. Clinton believed that you can deal with a "dialogue" with just about everyone. And I do agree. Only he abandoned the National Security believing that reading newspapers and believing in satelites shall help. Well, it didn't.

As to the flight school instructor- was he asked by anyone if he had actually reported "weirdo" clients anywhere? I am only curious...

I did not say I approve of letting Bin Ladins go. I just answered the question.

And didn't you see I laughed at Condie?

I am only sort of the media professional. My PhD in political science is still ahead of me. But even I sit in the chair with a glass of wine and think "What if...?".

Anyway. God Bless America. despite everything it is still the country of hope for many democracies in the world. End of America may mean the end of many things which we are so used to that we don't even think may disappear.
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

ilter K.:
So this makes her a terrorist?
A-ha! :)

This makes her a suspect Ilter. And there is logic to everything. Sit and think and answer the questions:
- why an attractive well western educated woman go to fly a polish LCC for shitty money?
No further comments.

You won't recognize a fanatic or a political leftist freak. They don't wear burkas and are not uneducated. They are among us wearing Calvin Klein cloths whether you like it or not.

I am not spooky and don't suspect everyone aorund Ilter. It is other peoples job. However I prefer evolutionist trend in Islam which wants to coexist in peace with the others and that's my choice.
Cya. Out for lunch.

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