Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Just out of curiosity... is anyone sick and tired of 9/11 movies, documentaries, images and reminders?

As if it wasn't bad enough that pretty much at any point in time we can easily find something on TV that beats this dead horse into the bloody pulp, each year are we are exposed to two days of non-stop "coverage"... each year adding more, "better" images.

Soon in 3D and in surround sound!!! ugh...


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Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafal Wolk:
Just out of curiosity... is anyone sick and tired of 9/11 movies, documentaries, images and reminders?
Use the phrase "wake up call" to me, Raf. Say it one more time. Read 3000 names to me. Then finish me off by pulling all the bones out of my feet with wire cutters.

(That was crime. Not an act of war).
Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

I don't watch TV so I don't really hear anything about it:) and I don't read anything about it on the Internet either.
It was horrible and unacceptable but it was 8 years ago and I don't think that anybody is going to discover anything new.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Joj Y.:

(That was crime. Not an act of war).

Agreed, too bad we still don't know who, what, why, and where?
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafal Wolk:
Agreed, too bad we still don't know who, what, why, and where?
I'd like to know the answers for these questions but so far answering them is just creating conspiracy theories...
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafal Wolk:
Just out of curiosity... is anyone sick and tired of 9/11 movies, documentaries, images and reminders?
I can't say I'm sick and tired.
I'd like this case to be re-opened and investigated for the sake of all humankind.
Someone or some people commited the biggest crime against humanity.
I'd like to see them punished.
I'm one of those who believes this was an inside job.

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Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

@Kasia (get out of my basement, Ilter).

It's true in general. You're not supposed to question certain things. But human brains don't have enough impulse control in order to be able to sustain enough secrecy for plans like this one.

I would question the reasoning behind a war or two, the impetus for which, is investigating and prosecuting murder and conspiracy to commit murder by a group of individuals, as opposed to a military attack planned and executed by a soveriegn country.

Nothing new in that. But it was "just" murder and conspiracy to commit murder with accomplices, I think. A mass murder. I'm usually wrong. :)Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.09.09 o godzinie 17:30
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Joj Y.:
@Kasia (get out of my basement, Ilter).
What... I'm looking for Corvette spare parts... leave me alone.

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Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

lol hehe. Man. :/

Economic crisis, you know. My selling it, you with the parts.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.09.09 o godzinie 17:36
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafal Wolk:
Just out of curiosity... is anyone sick and tired of 9/11 movies, documentaries, images and reminders?

Not me. Speaking about, I RECENTLY saw this one:

102 Minutes That Changed America
Part 1
Part 2

Sorry for the quality, I didn't find a better one. I recommend it.

PS: Sorry Rafał ;)
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

do you remember what you did when all the world was informed what had happened that day?

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Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Yes I was after school (11) and it was so ... abnormal - nothing on TV except two burning towers . I remember it quite well . I didn't do anything - I was just watching
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafał D.:
Rafal Wolk:
Just out of curiosity... is anyone sick and tired of 9/11 movies, documentaries, images and reminders?

Not me. Speaking about, I RECENTLY saw this one:

102 Minutes That Changed America
Part 1
Part 2

Sorry for the quality, I didn't find a better one. I recommend it.

PS: Sorry Rafał ;)

It's ok, it was on the Discovery Channel and I watched it... twice. hahaha... I saw it back in the states last year too. I am a bit fixated on the subject however.
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Katarzyna M.:
do you remember what you did when all the world was informed what had happened that day?

Yea... standing 8 blocks away looking up, wondering which way are they going to collapse.

I worked for a photo place doing restorations and retouching photos... I grabbed a camera and snapped some pics.

Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 08:53
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Rafal Wolk:
I worked for a photo place doing restorations and retouching photos... I grabbed a camera and snapped some pics.
Have you heard anything 1st hand, about CIA visiting the photo-shops around the area and confiscating negatives etc.?
That sounded odd to me, because I thought anyone could get their hard copies elsewhere... but you know... it still sounds weird.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 10:37
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

oops, double postilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 10:37
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Haven't the names of the pilots and all the plot been exposed long time ago?

Conspiracy theories are created by sick people who simply cannot bare in mind that THERE ARE people who would go to USA get the jet pilot course and blow any building up.

One of my friends almost employed a very atractive Saudi Arabian as a stewardess. London School of Economics education, 3 languages and so on. So why the hec she wants to fly an LCC?

And why the hec she seeks opportunities of flying the jet and getting the pilot's licence? Maybe she was so fascinated by polish culture, yeah?

Come on people. Bush red neck administration only used the opportunity to make even bigger mess out of it, but I would like to see how other presidents would react to that.
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

BTW. Until there is another struck which overwhelmes this one, it will be exaggerated. It is part of your myth right now, whever you like it or not. That's for sure. And you are right to be tired of it.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?

Agnieszka Piasecka:
Haven't the names of the pilots and all the plot been exposed long time ago?
Do you know that there are people who were supposedly be flying in those planes are alive and well, in real life?
Conspiracy theories are created by sick people who simply cannot bare in mind that THERE ARE people who would go to USA get the jet pilot course and blow any building up.
We call SOME of those people as `people who question things`.
One of my friends almost employed a very atractive Saudi Arabian as a stewardess. London School of Economics education, 3 languages and so on. So why the hec she wants to fly an LCC?
So this makes her a terrorist?
A-ha! :)

Well, you're free to believe in whatever you want.
But you have to give a listen to THE flight instructor who'd been giving trainings to those supposedly terrorists who weren't even able to fly a Cessna.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.09.09 o godzinie 11:58

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Temat: 9/11 had enough yet?


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