Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Do you remember when this happened?

Do you think it still is an important date?

What do you think of Lech Wałęsa then and nowadays?

Do you respect the man?

Man of the Year (Time) 1981
Nobel Prize 1983
President of Poland 1990-1995


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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Lidia K.:
Do you remember when this happened?
You just reminded me.
Do you think it still is an important date?
I guess it is, but I just don't feel it.
What do you think of Lech Wałęsa then and nowadays?
I'll come back to this one later.
Do you respect the man?
I used to love the guy, then I hated him, then I loved him again, then I ridiculed him... He's not as stupid as most people think he is. He is definitely not as wise and intelligent as he thinks he is.

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Lidia K.:
Do you remember when this happened?

I actually do.

Do you think it still is an important date?

The entire time line, from Kopalnia Wojek all the way to 1989 and the first free election was possibly one of the most important time periods in the history of the eastern block. It was the first step towards not only democracy but progress. It was what the rest of the Eastern Europe hidden behind the Iron Curtin has been waiting for. It was the sign of times and it led to the greatest social change in the history of Poland.

What do you think of Lech Wałęsa then and nowadays?

I really can’t say a bad thing about the man of the 80’s… he risked everything and stood at the helm of this change, for that he will forever remain a true hero. Other than that, I think he was a horrible president yet only candidate that brought on a real change.

Do you respect the man?


Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

It was his wife who went to Oslo to receive it, as he wasn't given his passport (you had to apply for passports then!).

And he was a father of eight kids. I'm not sure how many he had at that time, but he and his family risked so much...

Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

a comment:

hehe, guys, I just realized that both of you live abroad, and I don't watch television, so we're kind of unaware of the present scandals concerning this anniversary in Poland

I have no idea what's happening in this country politically and I'm quite happy about it, but this thread expresses my authentic interest in your perception of this controversial man, so go on!

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Lidia K.:
a comment:

hehe, guys, I just realized that both of you live abroad, and I don't watch television, so we're kind of unaware of the present scandals concerning this anniversary in Poland

I have no idea what's happening in this country politically and I'm quite happy about it, but this thread expresses my authentic interest in your perception of this controversial man, so go on!

I came across some info regarding one of the Duck brothers not inviting Walesa to some sort of celebration. I think both of them should be worshiping the ground that Walesa walks on, with out him they would have been nobodies. As per the news... I try to avoid it, I have high blood pressure as it is and watching Polish politicians speak brings it to a boiling point within seconds. I only have access to POLSAT which is possibly the worst source of info available out there.

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

what are you fishing for Lidia?

Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

nothing, I like reading intelligent discussions:)

and LW seems a very ambiguous person for some

I also read many comments that have no mercy on the former president

I wonder whether he was special (a giant) or just did what he thought was right and wasn't even aware of the risks

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Lidia K.:
I wonder whether he was special (a giant) or just did what he thought was right and wasn't even aware of the risks

Well… I was just a snot at that time, yet I was well aware of the dangers and of the hypocrisy of the situation. It was mainly due to my parents but I still knew that things were bad and something had to give.
I think he was well aware of the situation, he knew the dangers – any adult living in those times knew pretty well what this sort of action could get them. We all know a family or two… maybe three or more that had their dad, mom, uncle or some other member sent to various places across Siberia or that simply vanished. We’ve all seen tanks, soldiers and ZOMO… those who criticize LW for his actions in 1980 deserve neither the freedom that they are now enjoying nor the right to type and post such things online.

He may not be the best man to represent our country, he may not be a good man… but to undermine his accomplishment as a leader of the free people and criticize him for his achievements is simply ignorant of facts.

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

No one will ever take what he's accomplished away from him. His name's already been carved upon the pages of all history books.

He should have known when to step down from the political stage, though. He's risking to become some sort of a village idiot, if he hasn't already.

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Jarek A.:
No one will ever take what he's accomplished away from him. His name's already been carved upon the pages of all history books.

He should have known when to step down from the political stage, though. He's risking to become some sort of a village idiot, if he hasn't already.

From what I understand he's managed his village idiocy pretty well hahaha... oh well...
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Rafal W.:
I came across some info regarding one of the Duck brothers not inviting Walesa to some sort of celebration. I think both of them should be worshiping the ground that Walesa walks on, with out him they would have been nobodies. As per the news... I try to avoid it, I have high blood pressure as it is and watching Polish politicians speak brings it to a boiling point within seconds. I only have access to POLSAT which is possibly the worst source of info available out there.

The celebration in question was the 90th anniversary of Poland's independence. As if Walesa was not instrumental in bringing it back to us! I'm lost for words...

I've always respected Lech Walesa for what he's done, although at some point, like Jarek, I couldn't stand him. I think I was quite young and naive, I let the fact that he was a disaster of a president overshadow a bigger picture. I remember reading an article in Time mag with accolades of L.W. and all I could think of was the fact that he denied offering his leg to A. Kwasniewski. And I was like: 'If only they knew what he's like at home...' :)

He's a great man. No scandals, investigations etc. can deny the fact. Thanks to him I can do pretty much what I want, go where I want, eat what I want and meet who I want.

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Sylwia Łubkowska:

The celebration in question was the 90th anniversary of Poland's independence. As if Walesa was not instrumental in bringing it back to us! I'm lost for words...

What a fucking burak... that is the only thing that I can come up with to describe the Duck... I often wonder how did he get to where he is at? I mean - Bush became the president twice, but both times he had to steal the election... this guy just gets voted in (??) seriously?
I do have respect for him for taking care of all the remaining commie scumbags... but other than that it's just been a huge mishap. From what I've gathered, Tusk is not the best guy for the job either.
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

THat's probably the worse thing you'll have to face, Raf, when you come down here.
You will have to deal with all the absurdity of Da Ducks* on daily basis, haha. If you don't want to then better just do not watch the news/listen to the radio/etc. (that's what I TRY to do though sometimes it's extremely difficult...)

* and Palikot/Dorn/all the freakin' dudes from Sejm
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Yeah, Walesa's rough manners were almost charming in comparison with the Ducks' piss taking. I just hope PiS will die a natural death along with its old generation of supporters. Soon.
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Rafal W.:
I mean - Bush became the president twice, but
both times he had to steal the election... this guy just gets voted in (??) seriously?

what do you mean by stealing the election???Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.11.08 o godzinie 12:07

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
THat's probably the worse thing you'll have to face, Raf, when you come down here.
You will have to deal with all the absurdity of Da Ducks* on daily basis, haha. If you don't want to then better just do not watch the news/listen to the radio/etc. (that's what I TRY to do though sometimes it's extremely difficult...)

* and Palikot/Dorn/all the freakin' dudes from Sejm

Well, truth be told, politicians here do not differ greatly from what you have in Poland.
Some of them even out do Polish politicians by far. Just to give you some examples:
Rudy Giuliani the ex mayor of NYC – brought back a law that makes dancing illegal IF the venue does not have a proper dance permit aka Cabaret License. Joe Biden the vice president now is well known for introducing other dance / music / entertainment policies that are taken straight out of the Dark Ages. They are all alike the leading elite, for most part they have absolutely no idea what we need only what we need to hear and those who do know what we need are usually powerless in the face of a vast majority of greed driven scumbags out for themselves, their lobbyists and the corporate interest that they represent. The main difference between Polish politicians and those from the US is the amount of funds that they are playing with. It’s the amount of corruption and visible nonchalant way of simply not giving a fuck about the public opinion that makes the US politicians the absolute top of the food chain in this category.Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.11.08 o godzinie 13:35

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
Rafal W.:
I mean - Bush became the president twice, but
both times he had to steal the election... this guy just gets voted in (??) seriously?

what do you mean by stealing the election???Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 26.11.08 o godzinie 12:07

Well, the evidence is simply overwhelming when it comes to voting fraud in both cases. First election, according to the popular vote (the people’s vote) Bush lost, yet he somehow won the electorate vote. It all came down to the last state – Florida where Jeb Bush (Dubya’s brother) was the acting governor … so there was a recount, then it went in front of the judge and it was a judge and not the people who assigned Bush as the president. There are a lot of other things that actually happened during that election that assured his victory.
Here is a quote from Al Gore regarding the 2000 election… when asked if he thinks that the election was stolen, Mr. Gore said:

"There may come a time when I speak on that," Gore says, "but it's not now; I need more time to frame it carefully if I do." Gore sighs. "In our system, there's no intermediate step between a definitive Supreme Court decision and violent revolution."

Here, check out some of these links:




During the 2004 election, the fraud was a lot more conspicuous yet it still surfaced … Ohio was the deciding state… Ohio was however ready for the voting with the most “sophisticated” Diebold voting machines…


If you google “2004 Stolen election” you will get a million hits mentioning the diebold and Ohio fraud voting… more than 34 000 phony votes! 34 000 more than registered voters… but, it was all swept under the rug.

What really fucking sucks is the image of a dumb fuck American that voted Bush both times that was spread around the world … and that is just not the case.

Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5uvRli0fkILidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.12.08 o godzinie 18:24

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Temat: 25th Anniversary of Nobel Prize for Lech Wałęsa

Lidia K.:
What do you think of Lech Wałęsa then and nowadays?
BTW I met him a while ago along with a small group of people at a reception. He was giving a talk to a larger group of mostly United Auto Workers at a college campus. I didn't have an interest and it was like anyone else to me. It was part of an assignment for a student friend of mine, and I paid the extra $$$ dollars for the reception asa courtesy to her. I almost cried from boredom. It was all just politeness and nothing eventful. Money, money, money.

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