Temat: 10k posts on Anglosphere in nearly 5 months

Please feel free to congratulate here.
Say anything you want as long as it is positive and flattering.

Donations and voluntary work welcome.

Please send greeting cards and flowers to Ilter's studio.
Any paychecks: please contact me via PM.

Thank you!

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Temat: 10k posts on Anglosphere in nearly 5 months


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Temat: 10k posts on Anglosphere in nearly 5 months

And a special gift for Tomasz who made the 10,000th post.

warren W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.06.08 o godzinie 18:11

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Temat: 10k posts on Anglosphere in nearly 5 months

Raise yer glasses, lads and lasses!

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Temat: 10k posts on Anglosphere in nearly 5 months

warren W.:
And a special gift for Tomasz who made the 10,000th post.W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.06.08 o godzinie 18:11[/edited]

At looong last.. :D

I feel I need to make a speech now. Ok.

Until now I had only one silicon doll which I played with: my computer. Now, thanks to all Spheres and The Boss Of Spheres, Warren The First, I can play with TWO ones!! :)

Thank you very much... I can't stop my tears... Does anyone have a handkerchief for me?

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Temat: 10k posts on Anglosphere in nearly 5 months

Lidia K.:
Please send greeting cards and flowers to Ilter's studio.

When and where would I download Ilter's Anglospheres' teledisk from? I'd like very much to see a teledisk made by Ilter with songtrack by DJ Wolk and showing happily dancing Warren.

Temat: 10k posts on Anglosphere in nearly 5 months

Tomasz Krzal:
Lidia K.:
Please send greeting cards and flowers to Ilter's studio.

When and where would I download Ilter's Anglospheres' teledisk from? I'd like very much to see a teledisk made by Ilter with songtrack by DJ Wolk and showing happily dancing Warren.
Have you tried Google? :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: 10k posts on Anglosphere in nearly 5 months

I have only a cat and some fish-feeding video. Don't make me embarrassed Lidia!

PS. I am not a music video producer! hehe

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Future direction of Anglosp...

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