Artur Skiba

Artur Skiba Prezes, Członek
Zarządu SAZ
Agencji Zatru...

Temat: Speed versus quality - impact on relation with client

Speed and quality of service becomes equally important at todays market. Delivering shortlist doesn't take 4-6 weeks anymore. Good recruitment consultant, focused on his/her specialisation needs maximum! 2 weeks and in most of the processes even shorter to present 3-5 candidates matching the job description criteria delivered by client. Most of the longer than that are projects "mission impossible", which we call assignements type that the agency has no experience at but being desperate to attract the client, committed to deliver...this obviously leads to a very short relation consultant-client, as the longer time it takes, the more the client findfs out about lack of delivery ability of current supplier and gets more often to see candidates from other sources
Sandro Guidi

Sandro Guidi Owner, Headhunter,
executive recruiter,

Temat: Speed versus quality - impact on relation with client

Mission impossible:) yes Artur you're right. I think mostly is a matter of "business vision". I know many companies and HR managers who think that an Head-hunter is a waste of money. Personally I don't think so. The costs of recruitments are not strictly connected with the success fee of the h-h, mostly are connected with costs-of-wrong-recruiting. Speed up the process is important, but again sometimes is a matter of receiving a feedback/follow-up from the client "in time" with project deadline. Many other issues and variable play an important role in whole process. That's make our job a "mission", unfortunally we're not in a James Bond movie...Regards, Sandro.

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