Katarzyna Dudek

Katarzyna Dudek IT Recruiter at
(Adecco Group)

Temat: program wyprawy - bo niby jest na stronie a jednak...

a może małe spotkanie dla chętnych albo tylko ciekawych? w warszawie albo w kazimierzu - tam mam znajomych z miłym pensjonatem :) przywiozłabym zdjęcia i pokazała kilka slajdów, zrobilibyśmy ognisko.. a jeśli indywidualnie - zapraszam na kawę :)

trasa :) oczywiście same nazwy Wam niewiele powiedzą - więcej na spotkaniu albo na mailu - dla chętnych!

Day-to-day itinerary

Day 1: Addis Ababa

Arrive Addis Ababa at Bole International Airport. Meet and greet and transfer to hotel (4*)

Day 2: Bahir Dar

After breakfast drive to Debre Markos through the crop growing farmland. En route, you will enjoy the gorgeous Blue Nile Gorge which is said to be greater than the Grand Canon by many travelers. Continue driving to Bahir Dar through the beautiful scenery and visiting the Amhara people & their villages. Overnight at Bahir Dar, the capital of the Amhara National Regional State

Day 3: Blue Nile Falls & Lake Tana

After an early breakfast drive to the spectacular water falls called Blue Nile Falls (30kms from Bahir Dar) where is also possible for birding. NB. The visit of the fall is optional as the water is diverted for hydroelectric source of power so that it is only during the rainy season (July, August and early September) the visit to the fall is much worthy. The same day, boat trip on Ethiopia's largest Lake called Tana for its middle age island monasteries, Kibran Gebriel and Ura Kidanemihiret. Overnight same hotel

Day 4: Gondar

After breakfast drive 180 kms to Gondar, the 17th century capital of Ethiopia. Afternoon, visit the castle compound and the church of Debre Berhan Selassie for its awe-inspiring painting. In addition, you will visit the Bath of king Fasiledous and the Felasha (Black Jewish) village. Overnight.

Day 5: Semien Mountain National Park – ‘The Roof of Africa’

In the cool of the morning, you make the 2 to 3 hour drive from Gondar to Debark. This is a small market town at an altitude of 2700 meters close to the boundary of the Semien Mountains National Park. Corrugated-iron-roofed buildings surround its colorful and busy market area. Before entering the park, you have to register at the park headquarters just outside town. Here, armed scout – one of the park regulations, joins you. Then drive to Sankaber for the best viewpoint. En route, pass through pretty country, the foothills of the Semien Mountains, with carefully tended fields, open pasture with grazing horses, stands of trees and distant rocky peaks. At the high point of the road, there are superb views across the weirdly eroded foothills of the range and you may also be lucky enough to spot you first lammergeyers and gelada baboons of the trip. Overnight at Debark in a basic hotel.

Day 6: Gondar

After relaxing morning with the view of the low lands standing at the cliff side, drive to Gondar for overnight.

Day 7: Lalibela

Morning transfer to Gondar Airport to catch a 30 unites flight to Lalibela, a site of the world wonder. Upon arrival drive 25 kms to the hotel situated in the center of Lalibela town. The same day visit the first group rock hewn churches excavated incredibly from a single massive rock in the end of 12 century. Overnight at hotel

Day 8: Mule ride to Mount Asheten Mariam Monastery

AM horse/mule ride excursion to the nearby mountain. While on top you will admire the 13th century rock hewn monastery and the awe-inspiring scenery. NB along the walking or driving route you can visit various species of birds, flowers and plants. Afternoon, visit the second and third groups of the Lalibela churches situated against the sunset. Overnight

Day 9: Axum

AM transfer to Lalibela airport for a 45 minute flight to Axum. In Axum, you will visit the age-old stele park, the house of the Ark of the Covenant, the St. Mary Cathedral, the ruin palace of Queen Sheba, the inscription of the 4th century king, the archeological museum and the early kings’ tombs. Overnight hotel

Day 10: Addis Ababa

Depend of the time of flight schedule you will fly to Addis Ababa. Evening farewell dinner party in a traditional restaurant and music house then transfer to airport for night departure and return home or dinner and continuation of the tour to the south Ethiopia.

Day 11: Awassa – Great Rift Valley Lakes

After breakfast, transfer by road to Awassa, via the Rift Valley Lakes of Ziway, Abiata and Shala. All of these lakes support massive concentrations of water birds. The lakes scenery is spectacular. Wildlife is abundant. Overnight

Day 12: Arbaminch

After an enjoyable morning continue driving to the famous lakes side town of Arbamich. En route visit the villages of Sidama, Oromo, Wolayta and Dorzie tribes. Overnight

Day 13: Nech Sar National Park and Lake Chamo

Morning drive to Nech Sar for game viewing & birding. Afternoon make a boat trip on Lake Chamo for crocodiles, hippos & aquatic bird species. Overnight same

Day 14: Konso, Woito, Jinka

After breakfast drive to Konso the Land and unusually engraved wooden statues used as grave markers can be seen. Further along the route visit the Woito people live in the area around Woito River and Tsemay village. Continue driving to Jinka for overnight.

Day 15: Mago National Park and Mursi

Drive in to Mago National Park. On this day drive further to Mursi villages. The Mursi are well known for the large clay discs that the women wear, inserted in their slit lower lips. Mursi men wear very little, although a cotton wrap is becoming more and more common. Overnight camping at Mago National Park

Day 16: Karo and Turmi (Hamer)

After breakfast drive to Korcho village to visit Karo tribe (The Karos are famous for tattooing and scaring). Afternoon, continue driving to Turmi. Overnight camping

Day 17: Visit of Hamer Market

Visit the Hammer market at Dimeka or Turmi (the market day for Hammer tribe is Monday at Turmi or Tuesday/Saturday at Dimeka. overnight camping.

Day 18: Erbore and Arbaminch

Drive to Arbaminch (about 300 kms). On the way we will have stops at Erbore and Konso tribes who are also a must to be seen. Overnight similar hotel

Day 19: Addis Ababa

Drive to Addis Ababa (500 km - asphalt road) through the Great Rift Valley lakes and scenic beauty. Overnight (4*)

Day 20: City tour of Addis Ababa, Shopping & evening Departure

City tour of Addis Ababa; Addis Ababa is the capital city of Ethiopia. It is also recognized as the seat of the African Union since 1960s. Hence, we take you to the fascinating attractions of the city. The tour includes the National & ethnographic museums, the colorful market, the Trinity Cathedral, the panoramic view of Mount Entoto. Evening farewell dinner party then transfer to airport for returns flight. End of the tour

Cena na 2 osób - 3879 USD

Cena na 3-4 osób - 3159 USD

Cena na 5-8 osób - 2909 USD

Cena dla 9-12 osób - 2299 USD

Cena dla 13-20 osób - 1999 USD

Prices include:

Hotel accommodation on the basis of double room sharing.

Meals of the day

All ground transportation (comfortable 4WD for the south and small bus for the historic route) with fuel and with all insurance and driver costs

Domestic air tickets

All entrance fees at museums, churches, castles, archeological sites, parks and villages.

Guide with all his costs.

Cook who prepare meals while camping

Camping gears (Tent, mattress, sheets, etc.)

Cooking materials (while camping) – utensils, kitchen materials, chairs, tables, etc

Boat trips

Scout fees in parks and villages

Government taxes


Tips. Visa and international air tickets

Other expenses of personal nature like laundry, souvenirs, etc

BARDZO WAŻNE! Niezbędne jest ubezpieczenie we własnym zakresie albo za dodatkową opłatą za moim pośrednictwem. Bez ubezpieczenia – nie otrzymacie Państwo ode mnie potwierdzenia rezerwacji. Afryka należy do regionów ‘trudnych’ zatem wszystko może okazać się problematyczne: otarcie, zwichnięta kostka albo przedłużające się problemy żołądkowe. Jeśli macie zaufanego doradcę ubezpieczeniowego – ubezpieczcie się sami. Jeśli nie - proponuję zapytać mnie a ja wybiorę odpowiednie.
Katarzyna Dudek

Katarzyna Dudek IT Recruiter at
(Adecco Group)

Temat: program wyprawy - bo niby jest na stronie a jednak...

aha :) i jeszcze jedno

na http://abiss.pl są rózne wyprawy, generalnie dla kazdego cos dobrego :) gdyby się jednak okazało do konca lipca, ze na moją wyprawę (wrzesien-pazdz), w zasadzie prywatną - ktorej program określiłam na 1999 USD + inne określone - chce pojechać więcej osób - to pamiętajcie kochani ze ja zabieram ze sobą max 19-20 osób :) tych pierwszych zdeklarowanych

resztę zapraszam na inne opcje wyprawowe :)

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