Marta Krupińska

Marta Krupińska Dyrektor
Zarzadzajacy &
Wspolzalozyciel @

Temat: Międzykulturowe badania (New York-Kraków) nt. well-being...

Psychology is so much more than a study of mental illness, Oedipus
complex, negative reinforcements and Pavlov's dog.

Welcome in the research that focuses on probably the most important
qualities of life - growth and well-being!


Nowadays the standard considered indispensable for happiness is set
as high as never before. We want to have it all - high standards of
both professional and personal life - and time pressure, as well as
omnipresent strain are a serious severe problem in today’s

Co-create a study on well-being (10 minutes tops!)

The results, collected from people of different backgrounds and
places of residence, will add to the line of cross-cultural psychological
research and may as well serve as a jumping point for your personal
reflection on life.

PS. Zostawcie w komentarzu swój adres email, by otrzymać ciekawe,
użyteczne materiały nt. psychologii pozytywnej w biznesie!