Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Caught a news story last night (Sunday) about a new set of laws apparently banning certain activities on balconies. My Polish is pretty rubbish but it seemed to me they were saying the use of extended clothes racks (for drying clothes) was to be banned, as well as smoking! Did I misunderstand, or can the government actually ban inappropriate displays of dripping underwear and nipping out on your own balcony for a quick drag?

They seemed to be saying, and again I could be wrong, that it made buildings look ugly. Have they seen the average Polish blok?
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Jamie Stokes:
Caught a news story last night (Sunday) about a new set of laws apparently banning certain activities on balconies. My Polish is pretty rubbish but it seemed to me they were saying the use of extended clothes racks (for drying clothes) was to be banned, as well as smoking! Did I misunderstand, or can the government actually ban inappropriate displays of dripping underwear and nipping out on your own balcony for a quick drag?

They seemed to be saying, and again I could be wrong, that it made buildings look ugly. Have they seen the average Polish blok?

My friend was chastised by his elderly neighbour, for fitting a clothes rack ("w takim reprezentacyjnym mieśću" - it was on ul. Emlii Plater, looking out onto the Palace). Only a small rack, and a top floor flat too.

If they're going to ban things (forget smoking, a balcony is often included in the metrage of a flat and is private property) they should ban those bits of green plastic that people buy to make them more private. They quickly make an average block look like a slum.

As if people would be able to see through the three layers of curtains into a dark and overfurnished room anyway!

Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

I'm ok with the ban as long as they don't ban pigeon houses on balconies!
My beautiful pets.

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Is it possible not to ban pigeons but ban their sh*t on balconies?

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

(I just want to say something paranthetically here: In the US, and mostly in college towns, they want to ban couches on front porches. You should see them. OUCH. But hey. Who am I)?

Carry on.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.05.08 o godzinie 18:56

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Jarek Adamowski:
Is it possible not to ban pigeons but ban their sh*t on balconies?
Like, ban pigeon holes? :)
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Joj Y.:
(I just want to say something paranthetically here: In the US, and mostly in college towns, they want to ban couches on front porches. You should see them. OUCH. But hey. Who am I)?

Carry on.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.05.08 o godzinie 18:56

There's nothing like a glass of bourbon, swinging on the front porch. And indeed sitting most Warsaw balconies is nothing like drinking a glass of bourbon, swinging on s front porch.

Mine's nice though. Quite big, not overlooked (so I can sleep on it from time to time) and looks out onto a lot of green.

I suspect it's the balconies by main roads that get mostly used for storing things on and drying clothes.

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

HELL yeah!

Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

I've read about those balconies some time ago and I was wondering: what about private property? The balcony belongs to its owner (if the flat is not rented, of course) and he should be doing with it whatever he wants. But on the other hand - those racks are really ugly, can't people set them in their bathrooms? And I repeat after Jamie - the authorities should first take a look on the building itself, with ugly fronts and awful colors.
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Grzegorz P.:
But on the other hand - those racks are really ugly, can't people set them in their bathrooms?

Yeah, ban them! At least I won't have to pick up someone else's thongs that fly over into my balcony on a daily basis in the summer. And the next thing that should be banned from balconies are BBQ kits. Thongs alone are bad enough, how about smoked thongs?

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

drying clothes on balconies is forbidden in Norway. And I agree with it.
Do I really have to see somebody's underware? And bras that could do as tents?

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

What I hate in my estate (well, amongst the many things I hate) is that people have full length door/window with a railing in front of them, rather than a balcony, and in the summer they have the door open and allow their dog to stand staring onto the street. The annoying bit is that the dogs bark at anything which moves, i.e. non-stop. This then sets off other dogs in the neighbourhood... God, if I had a gun......

But the people don't care. They stand in the street and just ignore their dog when it barks and barks and barks and ba...

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Maria B.:
Do I really have to see somebody's underware? And bras that could do as tents?

Remind me what's wrong with tent-size bras?

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Jarek Adamowski:
Maria B.:
Do I really have to see somebody's underware? And bras that could do as tents?

Remind me what's wrong with tent-size bras?

man... you don't even know the half of it, one of my neighbors is a ... hmm what would be a nice way of saying it.. she's a size plus... and bras are not my main concern, but the underwear that I could use to protect my car from those nasty UV rays... yea.. imagine about 4 -6 pairs just "hanging out" waving in the wind like the old glory... BIG 'ol GLORY...

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Ain't it possible that she went through a special forces' training program that included parachuting?

Picture this: she gets on a plane, the plane takes off. Once they're up there, they realize they are one parachute short so she takes off her "size plus" undies and uses them to safely get on the ground.


She jumps off the plane with a parachute. The parachute won't open. She again uses her "size plus" undies to safely land on the ground.

Don't sound all that bad now, does it ? ;)

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies


But do I have to see this?

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

somehow I have a feeling that the take off would be rather bumpy and in the air force they usually try to fit as many soldiers as they can during a run, her underwear alone would probably take out half the loader... plus I think that she may be using those as landing strip parachutes... skid marks are still visible... I am so going to hell...

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Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

Maria B.:
But do I have to see this?
see this, try this, live this

Temat: Trouble on the nation's balconies

So the main issue is super-sized over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders… and errant thongs… I guess there's a certain amount of sense in that. Sounds like a paradise for those chaps who steal flimsies off washing lines and store them in their sock drawers – not that I know anybody like that.

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