John Smith

John Smith Project Manager,
Google Inc.

Temat: Is it hard to promote an online store these days?

I think it depends a lot on what exactly I’m selling and who my target audience is, but it seems like there’s stiff competition everywhere, and you need to come up with some really effective online promotion strategies.

Temat: Is it hard to promote an online store these days?

I believe social media can be a great way to promote your business. From what I know, you don’t always need the help of marketers and other specialists these days.

Temat: Is it hard to promote an online store these days?

Still, I think marketing is a vast field, and if you want to promote your business as effectively as possible, having experienced professionals on board can be really beneficial. Otherwise, if you’re using Magento, you can leverage tools like magento facebook product feed. Extensions from Amasty are easy to integrate and work great in automated mode.

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