Lech Tkaczyk

Lech Tkaczyk www.lech-tkaczyk.pl
; www.wydaj-sie.pl ;

Temat: Wiersz Śmierć poety- wersja angielska - z tomiku Anioły...

„the death of the poet” / „śmierć poety”

he will restore to you smile and the faith
order the devils for punishment pray

he will awake so long angels asleep
and send them to people to love they keep

he will restore the extinguished star’s light
make silver moon over world to be bright

begin it shine on the pond and a meadow
priest-poet will bring out sun from shadow

to warm the Baltic and Tatra Mountains
he will turn out furious storms and strong winds

connect two world by rainbow like by stoles
priest-poet called by you to other worlds

Z tomiku poetyckiego Anioły Codziennej Troski
autor Lech Tkaczyk
tłumaczenie Elżbieta Piotrowska