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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

This may be old news, but very funny nevertheless:


Any comments?

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

a proper sexist bully this Stepniowski of a guy! :-O What utter nonsense - his behaviour wouldn't be accepted by women in Poland, unless we are talking about prostitutes or drunks, or women who have no respect for themselves.....

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

what a fucking scum bag.. I can only hope he gets put away in some place where he can DEEPLY appriciate off the wall signs of effection.

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

Bring in sharia law. That would deal with him properly ;)
Michal Rogowski

Michal Rogowski Head of Program
Management &
Implementation UK
and Ireland

Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

I suggest you put him in a nice cosy prison, where he would be the one fondled and played with. That surely will revise his view towards touching and molesting...

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

Pity Stepniowski had never read Borat's guide to Britain:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/ne...warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.02.08 o godzinie 10:58

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

"[...]Stepniowski said the behaviour he had committed was acceptable in Poland [...]"
Stupidity of certain people never seizes to amaze me. But maybe we are all wrong? Maybe where he grew up what he did WAS considered acceptable? ;)

But the best bit is this:

"[...]Stepniowski, [...] had previously had a female Polish national interpreter who said his claims about such behaviour being acceptable in Poland were correct [...]"

I mean, c'mon! Is she for real?Jarek Adamowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.02.08 o godzinie 11:00

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

Jarek Adamowski:
"[...]Stepniowski, [...] had previously had a female Polish national interpreter who said his claims about such behaviour being acceptable in Poland were correct [...]"

WTF??? Acceptable? I bet he would never dare to do that in Poland. And now he's pretending a poor guy denied his right to practice his "local way" of adoring women and hoping that Britons will believe it. LOL! ;>


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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

Magda B.:
Jarek Adamowski:
"[...]Stepniowski, [...] had previously had a female Polish national interpreter who said his claims about such behaviour being acceptable in Poland were correct [...]"

WTF??? Acceptable? I bet he would never dare to do that in Poland. And now he's pretending a poor guy denied his right to practice his "local way" of adoring women and hoping that Britons will believe it. LOL! ;>


cool! super pic, sita!!! ;-p women of the world unite!!! ;)

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

The picture is great. I love this red spotted scarf ;) The only missing detail is long and thick wheat color plait ;) - Polish edition ;)Magdalena C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.02.08 o godzinie 12:41

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

Magdalena C.:
The only missing detail is long and thick wheat color plait ;) - Polish edition ;)

Or, alternatively, sickle and hammer! :)

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

Her arms already form a sort of a sickle. What's missing is a tractor.

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:


Polish version ;))) Hard working young lady with natural blush and some lipstick on ;) on her way to socialist happiness of the Polish countryside :)

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

I always liked this one

Maciej Kulig

Maciej Kulig adventurer

Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:


My favourite

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Temat: The trials and tribulations of Thomasz Stepniowski:

Oops, looks like I've spoiled the thread... ;)

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