Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Social balls-ups

The formality/ informality thing often gets me...

The other day I took my son to his kindergarten and I recognised one of the mothers there, put on a smile and gave her a breezy 'czesc!'

She looked at me as if I'd just dropped my trousers and started to piss on the floor. Then, without a word, she ignored me.

After I'd calmed down I pondered on this and came to the conclusion that it was because I'd said 'czesc' instead of 'dzien dobry!'

Hardly crime of the 21st century, I thought. But apparently, immensely important.

So, there you go: I fucked up!

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Either you fucked up, or she was a pretentious (my new fave word!) tart.

I put my money on the latter.

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Hypocrites, plain and way to refine it. Just hypocritical.

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Fucking stupid is what it is.

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Jarek A.:
Either you fucked up, or she was a pretentious (my new fave word!) tart.

I put my money on the latter.
Me too
Geee.....Steve next time you should say "Good Morning Your Highness"

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Is it natural for Poles to greet strangers with 'czesc!'?

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Ha ha try going to the mall in sweats. I commit this crime every weekend and get sulky stares from all those shoppers, dressed to kill!

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Tatiana S.:
Ha ha try going to the mall in sweats. I commit this crime every weekend and get sulky stares from all those shoppers, dressed to kill!

What is the point of dressing up just to go shopping?

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Temat: Social balls-ups

What are sweats?

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Steve Jones:
The formality/ informality thing often gets me...

The other day I took my son to his kindergarten and I recognised one of the mothers there, put on a smile and gave her a breezy 'czesc!'

She looked at me as if I'd just dropped my trousers and started to piss on the floor. Then, without a word, she ignored me.

After I'd calmed down I pondered on this and came to the conclusion that it was because I'd said 'czesc' instead of 'dzien dobry!'

Hardly crime of the 21st century, I thought. But apparently, immensely important.

So, there you go: I fucked up!

Remember Susan from America? She did exactly that at a kiosk in her first week in Poland. I explained why she'd got such a frosty response and she just said "fuck that" and carried on doing it :-)Dave Andrew edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.09.08 o godzinie 17:34

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Remember Susan from America? She did exactly that at a kiosk in her first week in Poland. I explained why she'd got such a frosty response and she just said "fuck that" and carried on doing it :-)

That's my girl. Must be from Michigan :)))Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.09.08 o godzinie 17:37
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Social balls-ups

Dave Andrew:
What are sweats?

I think they are sweatpants: american for 'tracky bottoms'

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Social balls-ups

Rafal W.:
Tatiana S.:
Ha ha try going to the mall in sweats. I commit this crime every weekend and get sulky stares from all those shoppers, dressed to kill!

What is the point of dressing up just to go shopping?

Yeah! Makes me chuckle! I think, tho, there is a happy medium between jogging down to the 'mall' in your 'sweats' and teetering along in your shortest skirt and highest heels plus golden accessories

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Temat: Social balls-ups

Steve Jones:
Rafal W.:
Tatiana S.:
Ha ha try going to the mall in sweats. I commit this crime every weekend and get sulky stares from all those shoppers, dressed to kill!

What is the point of dressing up just to go shopping?

Yeah! Makes me chuckle! I think, tho, there is a happy medium between jogging down to the 'mall' in your 'sweats' and teetering along in your shortest skirt and highest heels plus golden accessories

heheh... I can't wait. Ever see the movie "Mallrats"?
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Social balls-ups

Jarek A.:
Either you fucked up, or she was a pretentious (my new fave word!) tart.

I put my money on the latter.

It was one of those women you see quite often here: you know, with a face like a slapped arse, like a smile would crack it
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Social balls-ups

Remember Susan from America? She did exactly that at a kiosk in her first week in Poland. I explained why she'd got such a frosty response and she just said "fuck that" and carried on doing it :-)Dave Andrew edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.09.08 o godzinie 17:34

Haha! That's the spirit!

Dave, remember Phil Gibbins? He refused to use the pan/ pani forms!!!! I kind of admired that!

Question for Poles: how offended do you get if someone fucks up the pan/ pani thing and gives you a "ty" instead?

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Temat: Social balls-ups

I give them a Vincent Vega look and say "it's pretty far from OK" or simply "nie jestem z tobą na ty". Especially if it's another driver or someone who quarrels with me in the queue.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Social balls-ups

Adam Lipiński:
I give them a Vincent Vega look and say "it's pretty far from OK" or simply "nie jestem z tobą na ty". Especially if it's another driver or someone who quarrels with me in the queue.

I guess if a Pole does that to a Pole, then it's supposed to be offensive and you'd get offended.

What if a foreigner does it? Is there a knee-jerk offense reaction then a kind of "oh he's a foreigner, he didn't mean it" kind of thing?

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Temat: Social balls-ups

It frequently happens to me in clubs. If the look is friendly, I don't mind. Any foreigner who tries to master my convoluted language deserves a shot of Żołądkowa.:)

Tip: bartenders and selectors are sometimes exempt from the "Proszę Pana" rule. Together with a handshake, it is considered a mark of distinction.

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