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Temat: Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip



For those of you who haven't heard of it as of yet. :)
I actually like the way how Bush joked about the incident afterwards.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

That's what I like in the USA: They take the freedom of speech so far as not to persecute those people or take criticism of the highest political persons personal unlike in Poland and often too in Germany :))
Merkel would take it lightly but Fischer for instance did not. Not to mention Katsche Kaczynsky ;-)
With him reactions might have ressembled:



(in czechoslovakia, so already close :))

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Temat: Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

Good reflexes, Georgie boy.

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Temat: Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip


Awesome... too bad he missed.

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Temat: Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

It was fantastic :)I Heard it in the morning and it makes me smile :P

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Temat: Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

The secret of the shoe finally unveiled!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

The reflexes of McCain could fail against boots. Good God, Obama is elected. He can make the boots rebounce and score with hook shots! Gansta.

Temat: Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

throw yourself a shoe (under the youtube video)


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Temat: Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

A bloke from Swindon has come up with this game


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