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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Have you heard the story? Have you ever faced this kind of mistreatment yourself? I'm totally on that guy's side, because so many times we can see ourselves, how the "aliens" are treated by Poles - regardless the age.

I wrote a short story on that:

Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

I've heard it from you.
Kudos to Mr. Hassan, he's done the right thing by protesting.
Although I haven't faced these type of troubles myself, I believe it's just because of my appearance and life style.
I've heard similar incidents from one of my Turkish friends who looks Middle Eastern. He said he'd been intimidated by (mostly) drunk young Poles in public transport vehicles.
It happens and it is the reality.
I hope and believe these kind of foul behaviour type will diminsh with the time in Poland.

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Poles especially in smaller cities are alot more bigoted and racist compared to cosmopolitan cities like Warsaw Krakow and Wroclaw. In smaller cities the height of mistreatment I have ever got is just the sneer or titter when I needed to communicate in my broken Polish. If its some louts who pick up on my foreignness they somehow feel compelled to shout after me the one or two words they do know in English like "motherfucker" or "Hey you " followed by big guffaws of delight at their alleged wittiness.

Needless to say I always end up in tears:)

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

I think that it is not up the foreigners to make the difference. I believe that it is up to the citizens of Poland to stand up against this sort of treatment. There is absolutely no basis for this sort of behavior in modern society that Poland is striving to become.
This is deeply rooted hate and fear that comes from years of being abused and violated by foreigners, but people need to learn to differentiate between past and present.
The only way to treat such behavior is by speaking out publicly against it.
I’ve dealt with some prejudice while in High School in the states, before I picked up English; it is quite popular here to pick on foreigners when you live in a small town community. Fortunately most kids grow out of it and move on, but there are always those who get stuck in that pattern. I think cultural education is something that every child could use as a subject in school since it’s pretty obvious that history, sociology and languages are not really cutting it.Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.11.08 o godzinie 18:54

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

According to papers, while Mr Hassan was there protesting, a lot of by-walkers taunted him with "Go away", "This is a Catholic country" - like stuff. Some were sympathetic though.

I still think, we need sort of a gov't driven campaign before people actually start seeing the problem.
I wouldn't say it's about big or small cities, and that you can draw some statistical data from it.
Communities in large cities are being steadly strenghtened by people flowing from rural areas. This creates a hi-lo mix-up, where anything can happen at anytime.

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Rafal W.:
This is deeply rooted hate and fear that comes from years of being abused and violated by foreigners, but people need to learn to differentiate between past and present.

I agree Rafal with this analysis although I also would add that it comes down alot to intelligence and just mindless ignorance regardless of past issues and fears. Anyone percieved as being different will always be the subject of discrimination by people who haven't the capacity for looking beyond their own sheltered world.

Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Andrzej Dobrucki:
I wrote a short story on that:
Nice blog, Andrzej!
Adding to favorites!

Do you prefer our comments here or there?

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

How impressive, Andrzej.

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Lidia K.:
Andrzej Dobrucki:
I wrote a short story on that:
Nice blog, Andrzej!
Adding to favorites!

Do you prefer our comments here or there?

Oh, but we've just started to build a site and a positive feedback already? Very much appreciated indeed! Haha. Suit yourself with the comment placement. I don't want to "Steal" GL members. If you feel like joining our community, you have my warm-hearted welcome.
It's an awful offtopic to say, we're preparing to start a social platform as a part of Poland Point, but still waiting for the component to get ready. ETA: Mid-December. Stay tuned everybody.

BTW: comments at Poland Point can be posted without prior registration. Just the nasty captcha thingy :)Andrzej Dobrucki edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.11.08 o godzinie 19:18

Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Oh, you're quality man, Andrzej, I always knew that, I'd love to contribute with my humble cheeky comments!

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Andrzej Dobrucki:
According to papers, while Mr Hassan was there protesting, a lot of by-walkers taunted him with "Go away", "This is a Catholic country" - like stuff. Some were sympathetic though.

I still think, we need sort of a gov't driven campaign before people actually start seeing the problem.
I wouldn't say it's about big or small cities, and that you can draw some statistical data from it.
Communities in large cities are being steadly strenghtened by people flowing from rural areas. This creates a hi-lo mix-up, where anything can happen at anytime.

I think that in case of prejudice and racism it is up to the grass root type activists to make an impact, especially with a country like Poland – not even 20 years of freedom from a government that would tell you what to think every step of the way all the way to the toilet.

Having government type organizations telling people who and why we should accept, will only lead to a backlash and it would most likely only make an impact at the voting polls and not in real life. What’s needed is a strong grass roots movement led by people who have no political ties and are independent from any outside influence.

Poles have proven through out the history that student led activism can be as powerful as any political party. Young people are always the future of any nation and it is up to each young scholar to make a difference. Cultural diversity may be something that is still only taught in schools for the most part, but in this changing world Poles will have to find their place in the world soon or be left behind. Nobody wants to be the village idiot, especially when there is absolutely no reason for it.

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Lidia K.:
Oh, you're quality man, Andrzej, I always knew that, I'd love to contribute with my humble cheeky comments!

Make yourself at home, Lidia, and my other Anglosphere friends.


The grassroots, we have, are indeed impressive. I believe there is not a single obstacle, why the young activists couldn't actually stand up and begin the campain against racism. Maybe, what they need is a friendly prod from their peers?Andrzej Dobrucki edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.11.08 o godzinie 19:23
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

The grassroots, we have, are indeed impressive. I believe there is not a single obstacle, why the young activists couldn't actually stand up and begin the campain against racism. Maybe, what they need is a friendly prod from their peers?Andrzej Dobrucki edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.11.08 o godzinie 19:23

You give me hope for the new world, Andrzej. Racial diversity is something I will miss terribly when I move to Poland and stories like these upset me. I have noticed that often, when it is mentioned that change should take place, Poles mention that there should be a government campaign. Here in the States the people have grown very weary with being lied to and being told how to live our lives. Advertisements are designed to turn profits, not moral values.

Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Kari Wolk:

I have noticed that often, when it is
mentioned that change should take place, Poles mention that there should be a government campaign.

And that happens again and again. Somehow people think big things have to be changed in a big way. Sure it'd be great, but you can't just sit and wait for that to happen. I've learnt, that you can open people's eyes and help them deal with 'otherness' (in wide terms ;-)) just by talking about it. I have never had any problems because of my relationship among mu friends/people who I work with.

I believe that the fear of the unknown is by far the biggest cause of intolerance and it can be easily diminished if you show people that your life is no different to their life, your desires are the same as their desires and your moral values (the core ones, mind you) are often the same. That's the problem with small cities and villages - people don't know how to deal, cause they never had to.

One stone at a time and they'll be all turned soon :D

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Well, somebody has to start it. If the folks remain sitting ducks, the government should take over.
I'm not an activist in any way and I think none of use here are. Just a handful of ideas to start with.

Again, on the government: It's in govt's interest to promote Poland globally as a multi-cultural country without any prejudices. That would be a very good start, a little "big way" according to Marta, but let's allow some parallelism here. Dig the roots while shattering peaks.
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at Vm.pl

Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

you don't really have to be an egyptian and to live in a small town to feel the stinking breath of racism on your face. Me - a blue-eyed dark blonde dressed in jeans and a t-shirt was literally kicked out of a mainstream club on the Plac Solny in Wroclaw where I was having coffee with my friend two years ago. The reason for that was that I was a refugee from Kosovo?! (Macedonian is as you already must know almost same sounding as Albanian)

It wasn't such a big deal after all, I haven't returned there ever since (the club didn't prosper for too long as well). What really scared me was that when some people invited me to hang out there few months after the incident and when I insisted we don't go there explaining them why, they didn't really think it was a reason enough...so I went out with different people on that very night

unfortunately, this incident wasn't the only one, but it was the most drastic one...

I am an optimist. This was I believe 4 years ago and I think it's ok ever since, at least for me
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Were you speaking Macedonian when they approached you?
What an event... maybe I should keep my mouth shut too, when I'm sitting outside? What a crap.
It was interesting and sad to hear that, Anna...
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Andrzej Dobrucki:
Well, somebody has to start it. If the folks remain sitting ducks, the government should take over.
I'm not an activist in any way and I think none of use here are. Just a handful of ideas to start with.

Again, on the government: It's in govt's interest to promote Poland globally as a multi-cultural country without any prejudices. That would be a very good start, a little "big way" according to Marta, but let's allow some parallelism here. Dig the roots while shattering peaks.

Point taken. :)

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Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

ilter K.:
Were you speaking Macedonian when they approached you?
What an event... maybe I should keep my mouth shut too, when I'm sitting outside? What a crap.
It was interesting and sad to hear that, Anna...

You and Anna just reminded me, how I want to meet up with you guys during the next global Anglosphere meeting. Sometimes, people lose so much judging by their prejudices.

Racism is an awful thing and I believe, we can bring in our own, individual contribution by just not being racist and condemning such behaviors as they occur.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Egyptian protests agains Polish racism.

Ah no worries Andrzej, I've never been scared of such stuff, mind you. "Keeping my mouth shut" should be used cautiously :)
Although I've never been a shouter, I can not be easily put off with these matters either.

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