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Temat: Warsaw Entertain 18-19th Feb weekend away

Dear foreigners living in Warsaw:)& friend!;-)
be cordially invited to attend a weekend away trip to the Kingdom of polish vodka Kiermusianka;) in Biebrzański Park Narodowy...
...where everyone is treated in accordance with the common custom and the knights tradition,
food is made in conformance with old polish recipies.
Bread is served directly from the owen...

Don't worry if you have no one to join you WE guarantee you want feel lonely there!;-)
We gonna have sleigh ride, campfire and traditional polish dinner in a Manor House, where we gonna spend the night

If you fancy the idea please email:
subject: weekend
to get the details.

Looking forward to hearing from you!;-)
Warsaw Entertain
(you are more than welcome to find us on facebook)