Dominik Gawriłow

Dominik Gawriłow Coordinator, Ford

Temat: Arak i kosmetyki


Dostałem dzisiaj zapytanie od znajomego. Poniżej oryginalny e-mail.

I am currently angaged with some business ventures and as you are living in Poland I was wondering if you can help in some way. The business areas I am dealing are natural para-medical skin care products and aniesed based alcoholic spirits. I am looking for some contacts and wanted to see if you have any connections with the following distributers in Poland:
- Distributers that distribute medicines or other related products to pharmacies.
- organic or natiral shop chains
- distributers of alcoholic beverges.

I would be gratefull if by any chance you could connect me with anyone who have some contacts I mentioned above.

Best regards

Jak macie jakieś dodatkowe pytania to z przyjemnością odpowiem. Oba produkty pochodzą z Izraela.


konto usunięte

Temat: Arak i kosmetyki

No tragiczny angielski. Ewidentnie im google-a brakło.

Ciekawe czy te "para-medyki" sá dopuszczone do obrotu na Polskim rynku.Michał K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.07.09 o godzinie 13:53

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