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"Szanowni Państwo,

Firma PSE Stahl Handel GMBH z Essen w Niemczech przesłała do Polskiej Unii Dystrybutorów Stali ostrzeżenie o złodziejach stali, którzy w ostatnim czasie wyłudzili od firmy towar na łączną sumę 80 tyś. Euro.

Oszust, podszywając się pod polską firmę ‘Rafako’ z Raciborza i posługując się nazwiskiem ‘Tomasz Lis’ dwukrotnie w małym odstępie czasu złożył zamówienie w firmie PSE Stahl Handel GMBH na blachę gorącowalcowaną S235JR (4, 5, 6mm x1000x3000mm). Towar został przetransportowany do Świętochłowic (ul. Adama Mickiewicza 20), skąd następnie został przekierowany do innej lokacji gdzie rozładowano go żurawiem samochodowym, po czym wywieziono w nieznanym kierunku.

Jeżeli ktoś z Państwa miał podobne doświadczenie z oszustami podającymi się za firmę ‘Rafako’ lub używającymi nazwiska ‘Tomasz Lis’ lub jakiekolwiek inne informacje związane z tym procederem, prosimy o kontakt z biurem PUDS. Za pomoc w ujęciu sprawców firma PSE Stahl Handel GMBH wyznaczyła nagrodę.

Z poważaniem,

Daria Kieliszczyk
PUDS, tel./fax: 022 826 61 91
biuro@puds.pl, http://puds.pl"

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I w oryginale:

"Dear Sirs,
we would like to appeal to you in an exceptional issue.
Some weeks ago we have been contacted by a person, who pretended to be a certain Mr “Tomasz Lis“ from the company “Rafako” in Racibórz. At that time we didn’t know that all contact data like
phone, fax, mail-adress, letterhead, “Rafako”-stamps etc. were falsified and that “Tomasz Lis” is a very frequent name in Poland.
So, in the name of “Rafako” he asked us to submit him an offer for hot rolled sheets in S235JR, each 25 to in 4, 5 and 6 mm x 1000 x 3000 mm. After we had offered, he send us his purchase
order. Due to the positive credit rating of the real Rafako, we agreed to an open payment term and a forwarding agent transported the material to the alleged subsidiary in 41-605 Swietochlowice (ul. Adama Mickiewicza 20). There the trucks have been diverted to another site and have been discharged by mobile cranes. Because we were not informed about the strange handover, we still had no suspect. So the alleged buyer has been able to betray us a second time with another 75 tons before the first invoices were due. The execution followed the same procedure. Total damage is
more than EUR 80.000,-. Only when the invoices were not paid and the contact dates were not workable anymore, we contacted the real Rafako and immediately found out what happened. Of cause we made a
complaint at the criminal investigation department, however, our chances are not very good. Such frauds may happen to anyone at anytime and serverly damage the global business. The present difficult and uncertain economical situation is really hard enough; we don’t need such criminals on top. Therefore we kindly ask you for your assistance to mutuatly act against those delinquents. Should you have any advices in respect of the steel dimensions, the place of discharge or in case you have heard of similar incidents, please contact us soon. We would be thankful if you could also ask the members of staff in your company. For hints, which leed us to get a part of our material back, we
grant a reward of 10 % of this value. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation.
PSE STAHL GMBH"Angelika Z. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.05.10 o godzinie 11:15
Katarzyna Ż.

Katarzyna Ż. Condesa Poland


Angelika Z.:
I w oryginale:

"Dear Sirs,
we would like to appeal to you in an exceptional issue.
Some weeks ago we have been contacted by a person, who pretended to be a certain Mr “Tomasz Lis“ from the company “Rafako” in Racibórz. At that time we didn’t know that all contact data like
phone, fax, mail-adress, letterhead, “Rafako”-stamps etc. were falsified and that “Tomasz Lis” is a very frequent name in Poland.
So, in the name of “Rafako” he asked us to submit him an offer for hot rolled sheets in S235JR, each 25 to in 4, 5 and 6 mm x 1000 x 3000 mm. After we had offered, he send us his purchase
order. Due to the positive credit rating of the real Rafako, we agreed to an open payment term and a forwarding agent transported the material to the alleged subsidiary in 41-605 Swietochlowice (ul. Adama Mickiewicza 20). There the trucks have been diverted to another site and have been discharged by mobile cranes. Because we were not informed about the strange handover, we still had no suspect. So the alleged buyer has been able to betray us a second time with another 75 tons before the first invoices were due. The execution followed the same procedure. Total damage is
more than EUR 80.000,-. Only when the invoices were not paid and the contact dates were not workable anymore, we contacted the real Rafako and immediately found out what happened. Of cause we made a
complaint at the criminal investigation department, however, our chances are not very good. Such frauds may happen to anyone at anytime and serverly damage the global business. The present difficult and uncertain economical situation is really hard enough; we don’t need such criminals on top. Therefore we kindly ask you for your assistance to mutuatly act against those delinquents. Should you have any advices in respect of the steel dimensions, the place of discharge or in case you have heard of similar incidents, please contact us soon. We would be thankful if you could also ask the members of staff in your company. For hints, which leed us to get a part of our material back, we
grant a reward of 10 % of this value. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation.
PSE STAHL GMBH"Angelika Z. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.05.10 o godzinie 11:15

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