Richard Lucas

Richard Lucas Entrepreneur,
Investor, Speaker,
Host, Podcaster

Temat: Sales audit and standards for Business to Business...

I am trying to get a sense of what is good/best practice in terms of key deliverable Key Performance Indicators for sales in Poland (beyond basic sales/margin target) for sales staff/consultants, and the people who manage them.

How many calls,
time on phone,
what works best with interventions when people are under over target.
group vv individual meetings,
frequency of meetings between manager and sales staff?

if people reading this can post in their experience, of the best environments in Poland for sales people that would be great

Does anyone on this list have advice, tips, recommendations, or want to get involved in a comparative benchmarking exercise.. ?

Are there any good sales process consultants, who have experience of audit, recommendations and support of change? (nie musza mowicz po angielsku)? I might be interested in hiring such a person/company


Mateusz Kurleto

Mateusz Kurleto Szukamy wybitnych
talentów do
świetnego zespołu IT
w Gdańsku

Temat: Sales audit and standards for Business to Business...

Richard Lucas:
As you mostly reffer to some indicators used in Call/Contact Center i suggest that you asked this question here:
As for my knowdlege it is hard to set a unified set of KPIs to monitor sales through Call Center. Each selling process differes much from another and customer satisfaction and sales level are both far from depending on standard CC KPIs.
There was quite an interesting Case study on this subject at Biznes2Biznes conference on 17th May this year in Warsaw. I believe there are some materials ready to download from

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