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Temat: Branża telekomunikacyjna

Branża telekomunikacyjna 2010-2015


Firma IBM poinformowała o wprowadzeniu na rynek usług służących ocenie pozycji strategicznej firm z branży telekomunikacyjnej. Dzięki najnowszej metodologii wykorzystanej do realizacji badania Telco 2015 - IBM doradzi klientom z sektora telekomunikacyjnego, w które obszary działalności warto zainwestować w ciągu pięciu, decydujących dla niej lat.

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Temat: Branża telekomunikacyjna

Telecommunications market in Balkan states 2012
Development forecasts for 2012-2016


The telecommunications market in the Balkan states is made up of a mixture of several smaller markets. However, due to shared history, similarities in language and existing business connections, telecommunications providers usually conduct operations in more than one market in the region. Although the telecommunications market in the region has been affected by the recent economic crisis, it still offers possibilities for growth, mainly in the segment of Internet services provision, which has experienced double-digit expansion in the largest countries. On the other hand, operators planning to enter the regional markets need to stay alert to legal and regulatory problems. For instance, in Croatia, parliament arbitrarily imposed a 6% tax on mobile services from August 2009 until July 2012.

Zoran Vuckovic, IT and Telecoms market Analyst
O raporcie:

This report analyses conditions on the telecommunications market in the Balkan states of: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania. The situation in two of these countries, Serbia and Croatia, is the subject of deeper evaluation, meriting the use of separate chapters within the document to cover their markets.

The report analyses the fixed-line telephony, mobile telephony and Internet services provision segments. In addition to descriptive analyses, it provides market values, number of subscribers and detailed forecasts for each segment for the period 2012- 2016 in Serbia and Croatia.

The remaining countries are described using data sheets that contain the value of each market segment. Chapter three of the report scrutinizes the situation in the telecommunications market of the Balkan states as a whole, and the publication provides data and analysis on macroeconomic conditions throughout the region.

This report is supplemented with an Excel directory featuring the most up-to-date data on the telecommunications market in Turkey.
Key issues examined in this report include:

Value of the overall telecommunications markets in each country covered by the report
Aggregate value of the telecommunications market in the Balkan states
Value and volume data of the mobile telephony markets in each of the covered countries
Aggregate value and volume data of the mobile telephony market in the Balkan states
Value and volume data of the fixed-line telephony market in each of the covered countries
Aggregate value and volume data of the fixed-line telephony market in the Balkan states
Value and volume data of the Internet services provision market in each of the covered countries
Aggregate value and volume data of the Internet services provision market in the Balkan states.
Current topics of interest in this marketplace:

Regulatory issues: 6% tax on mobile services in Croatia until 2009, protection of Telekom Srbija position on fixed-line telephony market in Serbia
Degree of market penetration as compared to the Western European and CEE markets
Decline of the fixed line services market
Competition in the mobile telephony segment
Growth of the Internet services segment.
This report is a comprehensive source of:

Value data and development forecasts for the telecommunications markets in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania
Value data and development forecasts for the mobile telephony, fixed-line telephony, and Internet services provision market segments in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania
In depth analysis of the Serbian and Croatian markets and each of their main segments.
This unique document offers:

PMR’s first report on the telecommunications markets in Balkan states, using a structure similar to the company’s wide range of documents covering this market.
Data analyzed according to a consistent methodology for all countries, resulting in aggregate value and development forecasts of the market for all Balkan states as a whole.
Companies analysed in this report:

Albtelecom, Amis Telekom, BH Telecom, Calik Enerji, Crnogorski Telekom, Deutsche Telekom, H1 Telekom, HT Mostar, Iskon Internet, Magyar Telekom, Makedonski Telekom, Metronet, Mid Europa Partners, Novi-net, Optima Telekom, Orion Telekom, Tele2, Telekom Austria Group, Telekom Slovenije, Telekom Srbija, Telenor, T-Hrvatski Telekom, Turk Telekom, Velatel, VeratNet, VIPnet.
Reach for this document when:

Beginning operations on the telecommunications market (mobile telephony/fixed-line telephony/internet services provision) in the Balkan states
Breaking into mobile telephony/fixed-line telephony/internet services provision in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania.
This document is an essential asset to:

Telecommunications operators active in the Balkan states
Providers of IT services to the telecommunications operators
Regulators of the telecommunications market in the Balkan states
Financial institutions such as banks, brokerage houses, and investment funds
Firms providing consulting, research and analysis services
Government institutions, embassies, universities and research institutes
Chambers of commerce, trade and industry organizations.
Extract from this report

The process of the privatisation of incumbent operators in the Balkan region is far from finished. Most recently, in 2011 the sale of Post and Telecom of Kosovo and Telekom Srbija was started. Both processes, however, were abandoned in the same year.
Main, problems that are still discouraging part of the foreign investors from the Balkan telecommunications market is high fragmentation of the market, considerable macroeconomic and political problems, as well as significant legal and regulatory issues.
Market commentary by expert

The telecommunications market in the Balkan states is made up of a mixture of several smaller markets. However, due to shared history, similarities in language and existing business connections, telecommunications providers usually conduct operations in more than one market in the region. Although the telecommunications market in the region has been affected by the recent economic crisis, it still offers possibilities for growth, mainly in the segment of Internet services provision, which has experienced double-digit expansion in the largest countries. On the other hand, operators planning to enter the regional markets need to stay alert to legal and regulatory problems. For instance, in Croatia, parliament arbitrarily imposed a 6% tax on mobile services from August 2009 until July 2012.

Zoran Vuckovic, IT and Telecoms market Analyst

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