Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: [PRINCE2] Integrating Change and Project Management

Integrating Change and Project Management: May 19, 2010

Stowarzyszenie itSMF USA, ITGRC Forum, Brighttalk oraz HP zapraszają na serię seminariów internetowych poświęconych zarządzaniu zmianą (change management) w powiązaniu z zarządzaniem projektami (project management). Projekt to taka duża zmiana i powinien być zarządzany zgodnie z dobrymi praktykami. Każde seminarium to osobna jednostka trainingowa, można oglądać na żywo i zadawać pytania prowadzącym, poźniej szkolenie są dostępne w archiwum.

Minimizing the impact IT change has on service is critical for efficiency. Standardized processes and a forward thinking approach will ensure control of configuration items and lead to an optimized IT infrastructure. At this summit, leading IT Service Management experts present a series of best practice webcasts including case studies, innovative tips and solutions.

■ May 17 2010 11:00 am - Change Management: Key to IT and Customer
■ May 19 2010 10:00 am - Integrating Change and Project Management
■ May 19 2010 12:00 pm - Establishing CM on a Newly Deployed Application Environment
■ May 19 2010 5:00 pm - Leveraging Data from Disparate Silos for Config & Change Mgmt
■ May 19 2010 6:00 pm - CMT Becomes More Agile with Consistent Change Management
■ May 19 2010 7:00 pm - Is your Change Management “Virtually” Out of Control?
■ May 19 2010 8:00 pm - BCBS Florida’s Approach to Data Driven Change Management
■ May 19 2010 9:00 pm - Case Study: Transitioning to ITIL V3 – focus on change mgmt.

Zapisz: Integrating Change and Project Management (ITIL, PM)

Więcej o zarządzaniu projektami:
Dołącz: PRINCE2 Skuteczne Zarządzanie Projektami (2005, 2009)
Dołącz: GLOBAL Project Management (teams, tools, techniques)
Dołącz: Best Management Practice (P3O, MSP, M_o_R, ITIL, PRINCE2)
Dołącz: Project Management User Group Poznań (PRINCE2, PMI, APM, IPMA)

Więcj o zarządzaniu usługami IT/ITSM/IT Governance na GoldenLine
Dołącz: COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies
Dołącz: ITIL V3 (Strategy, Design, Transition, Operation, Improvement)
Dołącz: Best Management Practice (P3O, MSP, M_o_R, ITIL, PRINCE2)
Dołącz: VAL-IT .. Value Governance of IT Investments
Dołącz: RISK-IT .. Enterprise IT Risk Governance
Dołącz: IT Service Management (ITSM ITIL)
Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: [PRINCE2] Integrating Change and Project Management

Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: [PRINCE2] Integrating Change and Project Management


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