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Temat: Agilopolis Community Conference - change of scope

Agilopolis Community Conference - change of scope

Due to change/withdraw of Roman Pilcher - after finalization of organization with us - Agilopolis Community Conference (ACC) has changed its scope. All people how have bought tickets for the ACC will get their money back and as satisfaction will be given a free admission for Agilopolis Community Conference. Due to many requests from Agilopolis Members we proudly present the second Agilopolis Community Conference, which will be held on 22 September 2009, in Wroclaw, Poland. Agilopolis Community Conference is an half day non-profit conference, meant for anyone with some degree of experience with an agile way of working and thinking.
Designed for agile practitioners to meet in self-organizing groups where they can share their ideas, challenges, hopes, wishes, experiences and experiments. We follow Open Space Technology conference approach in order to increase collaboration and allow the conference to take its direction from the participants themselves. It's the only conference where you co-create the conference while it happens.

More details about Agilopolis Community Conference #2: http://agilopolis.com/content/agilopolis-community-con...

Agilopolis Team