Temat: lotnictwo = prawo karne + temat pracy mgr ?? ?? ?? please...
ja proponuje "odpowiedzialność karna pilota w prawie porównawczym"
(właśnie piszę publikację na ten temat i powiem szczerze, ze jest pasjonujący...)
Np. ostatnio włoski sąd wydał niezwykle kontrowersyjny wyrok - 10 lat pozbawienia wolnosci dla pilota, który "modlił się zamiast ratować samolot":
Wyrok bez wątpienia precedensowy, gdyż piloci odpowiadali tu za "siłę wyższą" - zepsuta była bowiem lampa kontrolna paliwa....
Ponadto ostatnio prowadzonych jest wiele dyskusji na temat ile pilot może wypić i na jaki czas przed lotem itd. W niektórych krajach k.k. przewiduje 0,00 promila (np. w Czechach) w innych aż 0,08 np. w USA i UK.
Klasyfikacje i szczegóły dot. sankcji karnych różnią się w poszczególnych krajach. Aby odzyskać odszkodowanie w większości jurysdykcji,należy udowodnić "rozmyślny lub lekkomyślny" czyn pilota etc.
co to jest "wina pilota"?
za jakie czyny można pociągnąc pilota do odpowiedzialnosci? etc.
Dotychczas było wiele spraw sądowych (międzynarodwoych), w których to "badano" winę pilota pod kątem odpowiedzialności karnej. Poniżej niektóre z tych spraw:
a. law enforcement authorities in the September 29, 2006 mid-air collision between
an Embraer Legacy 600 executive jet and a Gol Linhas Aéreas Intelligentes B-737-
800 have opened a criminal investigation and threatened involuntary manslaughter
charges and interrogated pilots, while a magistrate revoked the pilots’ passports;
b. Swiss prosecutors in August 2006 charged eight Swiss Skyguide air traffic
controllers with negligent homicide arising out of the DHL B-757 mid-air collision
with a Bashkirian TU-154 on July 1, 2002 over Überlingen in Southern Germany;
c. the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office has an ongoing criminal investigation for
negligent manslaughter of the former chief executive of Swiss International Airlines,
along with the head of Switzerland’s Federal Office of Civil Aviation, and the
operations chief and chief trainer at Crossair in connection with the November 2001
Crossair plane crash near Zurich, which the Swiss Aircraft Investigation Bureau
concluded was the result of pilot error;
d. an Italian court on July 7, 2006 affirmed the convictions for manslaughter of five
aviation officials, including an air traffic controller, the former director of Milano
Linate airport, and the chief executive and a former director-general of ENAV, the
Italian air traffic control agency, arising out of the October 2001 runway accident
between an SAS aircraft and Cessna jet in Milan, where authorities found an
inoperative ground radar system contributed to the accident;
e. an ongoing Greek quasi-judicial investigation exists of the 2005 Helios B-737-
300 crash near Athens, Greece, wherein a draft accident report has been leaked and
authorities have indicated it will be used directly in a quasi-judicial investigation to
determine criminal liability;
f. U.S. federal and Florida state prosecutors brought criminal charges, including
220 counts of murder and manslaughter, against a maintenance company, several
mechanics, and a maintenance manager arising out of the 1996 ValuJet flight 592
crash in the Florida Everglades, with nearly all charges later dismissed, withdrawn,
or dismissed on appeal, and all tried individuals acquitted;
g. Greek prosecutors brought negligent manslaughter, negligent bodily injury, and
disrupting the safety of air services charges against the captain and first officer in
connection with the 1979 Swissair crash in Athens, with the pilots receiving sentences of four years imprisonment, which was later converted into a fine.